‽istis reclaims freedom (weekending September 26th 2020)
In the week that…
Boris Johnson (responding to this question from Ben
Bradshaw MP: “Does the Prime Minister think that the reason Germany and Italy
have far lower covid rates than us, with life continuing more or less normally,
might be that they have locally and publicly run test and trace services that
actually work?”[i])
suggests that:
“Actually, there is an important difference between
our country and many other countries around the world: our country is a
freedom-loving country. If we look at the history of this country over the past
300 years, virtually every advance, from free speech to democracy (…bluster
that Hansard kindly does not transcribe…), has come from this country. It
is very difficult to ask the British population uniformly to obey guidelines in
the way that is necessary.”[iii]
…‽istis reclaims freedom - and
wonders what freedoms we might want:
‽ perhaps
the freedom to insult other nations and peoples uniformly - with apparent scant
regard to historical consensus or detail - by employing hyperbolic
generalisations that may betray a level of hubris, exceptionalism and
entitlement possibly befitting a caricature of an Eton alumni (if the top hats
fits… especially if worn by someone who is “deeply spiritually reluctant to
infringe on people’s freedoms”); the freedom to say what you want in any manner
you want on social media platforms to the point where even JS Mill might ‘change
his mind slightly’ if subject to a Twitter ‘pile-on’![iv]
‽ possibly the
freedom to reject other freedoms: free movement of
goods; free movement of capital; freedom to establish and provide services; free
movement of persons[v]
- whatever the cost of the alternative deal (or no deal)
‽ may be a
‘Freedom Pass’ to enable live sporting or other events to resume without the
need to socially distance[vi]
(oh how long ago a press conference on September 11th seems and how
ambitious the idea of mass ‘Moonshot’ testing? – and we appear to be back in the
chamber with Ben Bradshaw’s question…)
Perhaps our behaviour in the coming weeks will
reveal the level of freedom that we wish to claim for ourselves - including to bend
or ignore the latest guidance (for after all surely the rules don’t apply to
maverick geniuses, the weirdos and misfits, the ‘superforecasters’, those who
shun conventions and maybe, radically, don’t even wear a tie to work!).
Possibly more significantly the coming weeks may
reveal the level of freedom that we will afford others - including maybe even their
freedom to enjoy life, health and well-being.
But yet, perhaps, possibly, maybe we may learn that
hubris, entitlement and exceptionalism wins out… and the virus thrives!
© Pistis
NB: further reflections and comments linked to this
week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily
indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders
Please do consider following on Twitter and engaging or commenting positively whether you agree or disagree!
[i] https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2020-09-22/debates/CE4AD437-B40F-4CDF-BF8F-6C2FAE3F7F9D/Covid-19#contribution-B2F8714F-61E6-49A6-BB14-B04782C2D83E
The sound of an extemporising brain gear box engaging, or not…? See blog entry
weekending August 29th: Pistis reclaims extemporising: https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2020/08/pistis-reclaims-extemporising.html
[iii] Ibid