Sunday 21 July 2024

‽istis ponders questions for a Pastor (weekending July 20th 2024)


‽istis ponders questions for Pastor Mark Burns (weekending July 20th 2024)

This week ‽istis has been reviewing past blogs, doing a bit of indexing and pondering recurring topics and themes temporal and spiritual, sacred and profane, heavenly and earthly. ‘Stuff’ about God/god/gods/divine crops up fairly frequently:

‽ ‘God is here, Emanuel. And yet we search for now it seems so hard to tell.’ (weekending December 24th 2022)

‽ ‘the apparent direct absence of unequivocal, universally heard and understood voice of God.’ (weekending February 11th 2023)

‽ the ‘God is on our side’ of a potential colonial mindset (weekending March 3rd 2023)

‽ ‘just who or what is saved? ‘God so loved the world’, animals, people, all of us together – done and dusted, just some of us? And if it’s only some of us, then what is the criteria: our choice, God’s choice…’ (weekending August 19th 2023)

‘…a Deity who/which… just maybe: a) non-existent and a human construct; or b) not happy with how things are but can’t do anything about it; or c) not happy with how things are but won’t do anything about it; or (maybe worst of all) d) is content with how things are…’ (weekending May 13th 2023) 

‽ missing in action; absent without leave? ‘'Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est' (where there is charity and love, God is there)... So, perhaps, possibly, maybe where there is not charity and love, God is not there‽’ (weekending October 14th 2023)

‽ ‘wonders what could be the consequences of a deluging, climate-crisis-at-its worst flood… Of Biblical proportions – when, allegedly, there seemed to be evidence of an interventionist God, albeit one that destroyed all humanity save for one family, all animal life save for reproducing pairs of everything (but no unicorn!!)’ (weekending November 4th 2023)

‽ ‘So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven‽ (well where’s the evidence for that then?)’ (weekending December 16th 2023)

‽ #EvidenceofGod (weekending February 3rd 2024)

‽ ‘the value and role of belief/s and ideology – and the organisations, institutions and arrangements built upon them; do we want or need God/gods – or are we enough?’ (weekending July 18th 2020)

‽ ‘protecting a meaningful Christmas – are some expecting a display of divine intervention or something? #ComeonGodshowyourhand #isamiracletoomuchtoaskfor? (weekending December 19th 2020)

‽ ‘that of God in everyone’ (weekending November 12th 2022)

Evidence of existence and the capacity to intervene, or otherwise, feature heavily in the blogs – and it is these issues that have exercised ‽istis again this week, not least following the shooting and murder of a firefighter in Pennsylvania after which people said of the person who was almost certainly the actual target, and who survived with an injury to his ear: “I think he’s amazing. I think he was sent by God. I think he is the most amazing human being ever.” – and – “Well I believe that Divine providence was involved because the shooter was obviously trying to take him out. It was a clear head shot.”[i]  

In the same Times Radio programme that contained these ‘vox pops’ (July 16th) John Pienaar interviewed a guest: Pastor Mark Burns – described as ‘Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser and Congressional candidate for South Carolina’. At the time of writing, the interview can be seen and heard here:

John Pienaar’s first question cut to the heart of things: ‘Do you believe, do you truly believe that God took a hand in saving Donald Trump from that sniper’s bullet in Pennsylvania at the weekend?’ – in relation to which Pastor Burns was ‘without a shadow of doubt that the hand of God protected Donald Trump…’ (c.1’27” in to the interview) ‘We would be talking about… the assassination of Donald Trump had it not been for the hand of God or shifting that bullet or even shifting Donald Trump’s head just sheer millimetres…’ (c.1’50”)

In the 12 minute interview, Pastor Burns went on to say many things that ‽istis has pondered:

·         ‘The Bible says in Isaiah Ch 54 v 17: ‘no weapon formed against you shall prosper’ ‘ (c.2’18”)

·         ‘...that's the message I’ve given to the president, reminded him, reminded the American people, I'm reminding the world that the hand of God was upon Donald Trump and is upon your life too.’ (c. 2’20”)  

·         ‘I reminded him (the former President) that the hand of God is upon his life and to use this opportunity to lead this nation and help be a leader of the free world that we will be a nation that will honour God and do right by people...’ (c.2’44”)

·         ‘God spared his life for such a time as this, to be the one He has chosen to lead this nation to where we honour God again.’ (c.3’02”)

·         ‘This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles (c.3’09”) and the largest voter block for the Republican Party are Christians and so this is a loud signal to all of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Messiah and to people of faith all over the world that the hand of God has chosen Donald Trump after everything they’ve thrown at him… Now they finally try to actually take his life and the bullet actually struck him and yet he has survived.’ (c.4’02”)

·         ‘…as I’ve said to him many times: if God be for you, President Trump, then who can be against you. And we believe that.’ (c.4’08”)

·         ‘I believe... God has chosen Donald Trump to be a deliverer in this time period for America. Again, God has used so many people that has flawed pasts… that has failed in their pasts, but yet used them for His glory and for His purpose’ (c.5’19”) citing Old Testament adulterer and murderer King David: ‘yet he’s same the one God gave the Psalms to…’

·         And referring to himself: ‘God has used flawed people, like Mark Burns even, I’m talking to you on an international platform but yet I have crazy chapters in my own life that God has looked beyond my faults…’ (c.6’22”)

·         ‘No, I don’t believe that God is a Republican just like I don’t believe that God is white nor black. I believe that God is a God for all races.’ (c.7’09”)

·         ‘Now let’s be clear, the Bible is God’s authority word. We believe that, as Christians and if Joe Biden is a professing, practising Christian then he too believes that, but yet he pushes policies that are contrary to God’s word… direct opposition to what God has said’ for instance: ‘marriage is between man and woman, that’s a Biblical concept’ (c/7’36”), ‘God said it is an abomination in His word for man to sleep with man and woman sleep with woman… (‘c.7’44”) and to even push the transgender agenda that they’re pushing in to the public school systems.’ (c/7’50”) ‘If Joe Biden is this so-called practising Christian then he would not be pushing – or the Democrat party as a whole would not be pushing those type of agendas… (c.7'57”)’

·         ‘There’s a reason why the atheists of America, the majority of atheists and agnostics (?) of America identify themselves as Democrats, because the policies that the Democrats push are contrary to the word of God…’ (c.8’24”)

·         ‘I can only look at some of the fruits since he’s been President (Joe Biden) and his policies don’t line up to God’s word.’ (c/8’43”)

·         (from 9’32”) ‘There is God’s will but then there is His ‘permissive will’… God’s will and man’s doing… God has a permissive will that he allows to happen because that is man’s decision…  whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but has everlasting life; that is your choice, to either believe or don’t believe, to accept or reject… So, in this case we believe because of the policies and Donald Trump’s willingness. As Isaiah says: if you are willing and obedient, you will eat good of the land…  He (Donald Trump) listens to people like myself that speaks to him about the word of God and then follows through on it, which is why he’s talking more about the Holy Spirit and the hand of God that is protecting him from that assassin's bullet.’

·         ‘President Trump was one of the few people that said that Christianity is under attack in America, when Obama and others, and the Democratic party were trying to get people to stop saying “Merry Christmas”… and trying to say things like “Happy holidays” – well that is not American culture, we say “Merry Christmas” here in America…’ (c.11’27”)

·         ‘This is a Christian nation of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…’ (11’54”) And the further we have policies like the Democrats who try to push that narrative, like Obama did when he declared that this was no longer a Christian nation, when he tried to push that narrative now, that is when I believe that America began to fall.’

·         ‘Donald Trump is a deliverer and God has chosen him, regardless of his past flaws, he is willing and obedient to listen to the voice of God, that is why he is elevated and protected like he has been.’ (c.12’14”) 

So, this weekending ‽istis is pondering questions for Pastor Mark Burns, including:

‽ If America is a Christian nation and ‘no weapons formed against you shall prosper’ why does the USA need to spend 916 billion U.S. dollars dedicated to the military in 2023, the highest in the world and constituting over 40 percent of the total military spending worldwide that year?[ii] And what else could be done with that money to fulfil the Biblical criteria (Matthew 25 v 34-36) for separating the sheep from the goats when all the nations are gathered before the Son of Man “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”?

‽ Isn’t it a bit arrogant to think that God needed you to remind the world that the hand of God was upon Donald Trump?

‽ Are people chosen? How are people chosen? Are nations or peoples chosen and how?

‽ You seem to imply that the hand of God is upon Donald Trump and upon John Pienaar too (2’20”)… is that the case for all of us, regardless, irrespective, without exception – including upon Corey Comperatore (the firefighter who died in the assassination attempt on Donald Trump)? Did the hand of God defy the usual ‘laws’ of physics for a moment and shift the trajectory of the bullet? Did the hand of God shift Donald Trump’s head just sheer millimetres?  And why did the hand of God not send the bullet harmlessly into the grass or the staging; or prevent Thomas Matthew Crooks from arriving on the roof; or prompt police officers and security agents to act sooner, to act before a shot was fired; or prevent the purchase of the gun that was used; or tighten the laws that enabled its purchase and ownership?

‽ What are the hallmarks and characteristics of the nations that comprise ‘the free world’ – and which nations are in and which are out?

‽ What does a nation that ‘honours God’ look like, sound like and do?

‽ What are Judeo-Christian principles? Are both the old and new testaments necessary? Ten commandments or a new commandment?[iii]

‽ How would you answer someone who wonders whether America may also have been founded on a genocide of first nations’ people; on hegemonic cultural and religious impositionism; on land and property appropriation; on slavery; on white, male, heterosexual and exploitative financial supremacy?   

‽ Who are the ‘they’ that have thrown everything at Donald Trump and have even finally tried to take his life?

‽ If Donald Trump loses the election, does that mean that God has had a change of mind?

‽ What was actually going on in the ‘crazy chapters’ of your life?

‽ If God can use flawed people (including an adulterer and murderer, King David), then is any behaviour excusable? Is any behaviour even desirable as it may more gloriously and clearly reveal and highlight the awesome capacity and amazing grace and mercy of God – to forgive, to change and redeem (‘wretch-saving’[iv]), to intervene? Why could God not just have created us better in the first place?

‽ If you do not believe that God is a Republican and you don’t believe that God is black or white, why does He appear to be unquestionably male?

‽ Why do different Christians seem to interpret and understand teachings of the Bible (‘God’s authority word’) differently – or are the ones that take a different view to yours only ‘so-called practising Christians’?

‽ What fruits of Trump’s presidency show that the Republican policies are congruent with the word of God?

‽ So how does this ‘permissive will’ thing work? How might we know what are the decisions of man that God has permitted - and where is the line that triggers God to step in when crossed?

‽ Would Jesus have said “Merry Christmas” and what is ‘American culture’ and why does it seem to have to be singular…  are/were there other cultures; are they equally important?

‽ Do you believe that other supernatural forces and powers are at work in the world? Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in demons? Do you believe in the Devil? And how might we discern whether any action is a result of the hand of the Devil or the hand of God?

‽ When and why do so many people seem to say that God works in mysterious ways?

‽ Does God only exist if we believe that to be the case? Do we make God in our own image?

‽ And finally, if ‘Donald Trump is a deliverer and God has chosen him, regardless of his past flaws, he is willing and obedient to listen to the voice of God, that is why he is elevated and protected like he has been’ – then how will we know that the plan has worked? What should we measure, when and how? What might convince those for whom Pastor Burns’ reminders (to Donald Trump, to the American people and to the world) of God’s agency (perhaps, possibly, may be) seem just a bit unbelievable?


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter with replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders.  X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] Tuesday July 16th 2024 Times Radio: ‘John Pienaar live from the Republican Convention in Milwaukee’


[iii] Bible: Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5 – and/or – John3v34.

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...