‽istis wonders: taking
the ‘double-knee’… (weekending July 17th 2021)
This week ‽istis wonders about gestures
and whether it might perhaps be time to propose a new one or at least possibly bring new meaning to an old gesture that may just need reclaiming?
So, with personal reflection on a trilogy
of aspects of personality/agency/functioning - affect, cognition and behaviour...
‽ feelings
of guilt by association, identity, reference group - and a power-ful beneficial
legacy; of shame; of complicity[i]; of
contrition; of apology; of penitence…
‽ thoughts
informed by continued increasing awareness[ii]
and considering the influence of (and power behind) received, taught, absorbed,
institutionalised, systemic and systematised and perhaps hegemonic ‘wisdom’, ‘history’
(v histories?), ‘worldview’, morality…
‽ behaviour
when gestures and other related action could perhaps make a
…‽istis suggests for some: ‘taking the double
Two knees on the ground most definitely not on the neck of another person (although, this week quite
possibly kneeling in Dutch, German, French or Belgium flood water[iii]
or on the partially surveyed grounds of Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada[iv]
Head bowed
After the apologies (however long that might take), silence;
without opinion, (especially one masquerading as a universal truth); without
any type of ‘splaining’; without excuse
Listening to the sound of new-found other, othered, minoritised or silenced voices speaking of experiences to which they bear
witness over decades and centuries; the sound of current stories; the sound of
fears for the future; the sound of weeping; the sound of resilience and solidarity;
the sound of solutions
for forgiveness
For as long as it takes
Well, that could be a start…?
Leaders of relevant, over-developed/under-developing/developing-at-the-expense-of-others, the imperial and hegemonic nations; representatives of relevant organisations and institutions (temporal and spiritual) - might show the way before ceding power and capital in its many potential forms[v].
In a world where ‘how I live’ seems complexly connected
across space and time to how you and others have died or live right now, then groups
and individuals (the privileged, the beneficiaries, the majoritised, the non-othered) might join in - kneeling alone or together…
And then, from that position of penitence, let the work of reparation and
restoration begin and just perhaps, possibly, maybe the balance could tip more towards a common level…
NB: further reflections and comments linked to
this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily
indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’:
[i] Hmmm,
is complicity a feeling? For discussion…
[ii] ‘Conscientization’/’waking’
more than ‘woke’ (which perhaps seems to imply ‘job done’ / event more than perhaps
a necessarily on-going processes / destination more than possibly a journey…
[iii] Heavy flooding sinks
Maastricht, The Netherlands 🇳🇱 July 15 2021
overstromingen het water - YouTube
[iv] https://bc.ctvnews.ca/still-65-hectares-to-be-surveyed-at-kamloops-residential-school-before-total-number-of-unmarked-graves-is-known-1.5509999
See, for example, https://www.forumforthefuture.org/the-five-capitals