Sunday 2 January 2022

Pistis ponders resolutions (weekending January 1st 2022)


istis ponders resolutions (weekending January 1st 2022)

This week, for some the liminal days between festivities sacred and secular - celebrating the legacy of an old story of a means of redemption and the tantalising promise of annual renewal and a fresh start that the calendar may bring - istis ponders resolutions made, kept and broken.

‽  Made: perhaps because a problem, challenge or difficulty has been identified and a solution imagined and proposed

‽  Kept: possibly because goals are realistic, specific, achievable, time-scaled, measurable; cost-and benefit motivation is high; the spirit is willing, conditions conducive; support available; incentives continuing; gratification deferable

‽ Broken: maybe because the flesh proves cliché-weak; the short-term pay-off overcomes the long-term benefit; the status quo proves too attractive and/or powerful; the cost too high; the motivation fades; the will-fades; it's all just too difficult

And ‽istis, lost this week in exploring an extraordinary record available to anyone with an open internet (1), wonders whether the same might be said for the fate of some of the 2617 resolutions adopted by the United Nations’ Security Council since 1946 and across nearly 9,000 formal meetings (and all the informal debate, dialogue, argument, petitioning, pleading, compromise, ‘politics’, acquiescence, compromise, bullying, coercion, ignoring, listening, mind-changing, trust- and consensus-building, etc. etc.) 

Thinking that these ‘resolutions’ almost certainly provide part of a picture of the issues, difficulties and challenges facing ‘us’ and of the complex processes and international dynamics behind what is ‘kept’ and what is ‘broken’ (or at least not yet realised), ‽istis also wonders whether, perhaps, possibly, maybe they also represent something of the best of us and the aims, aspirations, hopes and imagined solutions of the world; whether it is ‘we’ - or even ‘me‘ that we catch a glimpse of in the mirror... 

So, again as 2022CE begins, ‽istis continues to imagine and hope that perhaps, possibly, maybe things could be different:

  • resolves somehow to keep trying to improve and improve things
  • strives to be less of the problem and more of the solution 
  • decides to remain seized of the matter.

© Pistis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog

entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome... A rich resource that  ‽istis plans to delve in to further and specifically this year.

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

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