Monday, 29 July 2019

Pistis reclaims The Earth (weekending 27th July 2019

istis reclaims the Earth
istis sat and pondered how different this world might be if just perhaps, possibly, maybe one small step for a man had been seen as a giant leap backward for mankind...

          If perhaps the cost of the Black Arrow budget had helped manage the transition from Empire; if the Apollo budget (an estimated $25+billion) and the Soviet manned space programme (an estimated $10 billion) had been spent alleviating poverty, supporting international institutions and building links of co-operation and mutuality

         If the iconic ‘earth from space’ photograph had reminded us that possibly no Plan B was needed: that the water cycle, the conservation of energy, photosynthesis, and (the joy of) reproduction – plant, insect, animal and human – is perhaps the ultimate blueprint for sustainability and seems to be unique and utterly, utterly precious

         If maybe we had learned not to split our infinitives to strive for infinity and galaxies beyond, but had stayed – boldly!

  …then what else might be different for everybody’s here and now - gazing down at the earth, gazing across to each other and gazing up to the sky?

 © Pistis

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Pistis reclaims Sport (weekending 20th July 2019)

istis sat and pondered how different this weekend of sporting glory might have been if ‘triumph’ and ‘disaster’ were indeed both treated as imposters and treated the same ~ and if ‘zero-sum-gain’ didn’t dominate the rules of so many sports and games.

if the Wimbledon prize money was the same whether you ‘won’ or ‘lost’ the Finals, because you had both played so blooming well

if the cricket World Cup trophy was half the size and twice the quantity, was held aloft by both the captains and both teams celebrated and all the fans were elated ~ because counting back the boundaries just doesn’t really seem like cricket

if the clock that times the qualifying laps just couldn’t count thousandths of a second

if my win wasn’t utterly dependent on your loss

…then what else might be different for the so-called winners and the so-called losers; and, perhaps, possibly, maybe of greater importance: what would the men, my son, be like?

© Pistis

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...