‽istis sat
and pondered how different this weekend of sporting glory might have been if
‘triumph’ and ‘disaster’ were indeed both treated as imposters and treated the
same ~ and if ‘zero-sum-gain’ didn’t dominate the rules of so many sports and
‽ if the
Wimbledon prize money was the same whether you ‘won’ or ‘lost’ the Finals,
because you had both played so blooming well
‽ if the
cricket World Cup trophy was half the size and twice the quantity, was held
aloft by both the captains and both teams celebrated and all the fans were elated
~ because counting back the boundaries just doesn’t really seem like cricket
‽ if the
clock that times the qualifying laps just couldn’t count thousandths of a
‽ if my win
wasn’t utterly dependent on your loss
…then what
else might be different for the so-called winners and the so-called losers;
and, perhaps, possibly, maybe of greater importance: what would the men, my
son, be like?
© Pistis
© Pistis