‽istis sat, remembered and whispered: education, education, education. At the start of a new academic year just perhaps, possibly, maybe:
‽ leaked
information about a potential £4billion boost to schools in England might reverse
the fall of 8% per pupil since 2009[i]
and level out the playing-field (or at least the ones not yet sold)
proposed pay rise for teachers might help reward all, help recruit and retain
the best and drive public good to public outstanding
‽ a
renewed commitment to even just education, education… may be more than a
softener and harbinger of a possible General Election
‽ education
could indeed be as much about ‘lighting a fire’[ii] in
the minds, hearts and souls of children, young people and all of us – at every
age and stage – as it is about ‘filling a pail’ (waiting to be weighed and
measured by GCSEs - or apparently unreformed, seemingly private school favoured
And if that fire kindles
curiosity, critical thinking, the pursuit of evidence-based approaches; prizes and
promotes technical and practical skills; inspires an appetite for the arts, gives an opportunity to play a musical instrument, to sing and dance, to paint and draw;
nurtures one’s own and others’ health, wellbeing and respectful and compassionate
social relationships; promotes equality and celebrates both what we have in
common and what makes unique; and meets the specific needs of every child and young person – then just think what else might be possible
and how different this world could be!
References/further reading…
© Pistis
[i] IFSA
analysis, BBC website accessed 29.8.2019)
[ii] After
[iii] See
DataLab research by Dave Thompson (https://schoolsweek.co.uk/study-suggests-igcses-are-easier-than-reformed-gcses/