reclaims Ratification (weekending 26th October 2019)
‽istis filed in to the council chamber/the division lobby/the voting booth (delete as appropriate) and pondered forms and processes of ratification:
‽ monist: international
law and treatises apparently automatically incorporated into national law (possibly
negotiated and agreed by a leader on behalf of us all, though maybe not elected
by very many of us, and maybe acting ‘not in my name’…)
‽ dualist: international
law and treatises apparently requiring translation - quite literally as well figuratively
- into national law (perhaps approved through a mist of motivations by representatives
selected by anyone who once cared to vote)
But ‽istis wondered whether a new term was needed:
‽ ‘trilist’:
international law and treatises requiring not just negotiation, translation and
representative approval but also final affirmation by all of us (well, at least
half-plus-one of those who could care to vote, again!)
And, as the result was announced, ‽istis considered the mysteries of spelling and whether ‘moanist’, ‘duelist’ and ‘trialist’ might not suit the spirit of the age rather better - especially when so many involved are ‘rat’-ified and vilified: by each other in the very chambers and corridors of power; in rants aimed at the TV or radio (does someone ranting make a noise even if no-one is there to hear it?); in the pub or at the bus stop; in the press; outside their homes or in the streets; online - and even sometimes with vile abuse and terrifying death threats…
© Pistis