Thursday, 26 December 2019

Pistis reclaims the space between (weekending December 28th 2019)

istis reclaims the space between (weekending 28th December 2019)

istis, paused and pondered the space between…

‽ perhaps there is a name for those days between Bank Holidays - the shutdown for many between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day? 

‽ possibly for others there may be no space, with the  continuation of work (helping to let others shutdown); with not even the briefest cessation of hostilities (no ‘Silent Night’ miracle moment); when even the time between is filled with fear as the hyper-vigilance of anticipation simply adds toxic stress in the brain to the physical pain?

‽ maybe for others still there is never, and will never be, respite from the undifferentiated continuation of life as grindingly usual…

But just perhaps, possibly, maybe there will come a time when all home care staff are paid for travel between those visits and that ‘having time for a chat’ (especially this time of year) might be assessed as vital as bathing, administering medication, providing breakfast, helping to get to bed safely…   

And maybe, at a time when ancient and modern salvation stories bubble up to public consciousness and public expression, just a few more of those ideas, past and present, might be recognised as constructs not absolutes – for if ‘limbo’ can be re-examined and redefined[i], then just imagine how different the world might be.  

© Pistis   

Friday, 20 December 2019

Pistis reclaims Advent (weekending December 21st 2019)

istis reclaims Advent (weekending 21st December 2019)

istis, peered through today’s door of the Advent calendar and sighed a deep sigh of gathering gloom and wondered what we were waiting for; wondered to be honest whether, a supposed two thousand and nineteen years’ ago when BC had become AD, it had made a scrap of difference?

‽ just how bad might the past two thousand years perhaps have been? Could it be worse than the Holocaust, the deaths from Spanish flu following the First World War, the war itself and all the others, the preventable deaths, the murders and suicides and lives lived through abuse and illness of body and mind, lived through a glass darkly?

‽ would the loss of a bit of supposed ‘free will’ have been quite so bad? better to have got it right from the start, possibly – if one believed in a Creator? even turning it off and turning it on again with Noah and ‘humanity 2.0’ might surely have worked?

‽ and maybe, just for one day – say Christmas Day – wouldn’t it be possible to make a new gesture: the barrels of the Kalashnikovs and the assault weapons turning to liquorice? the blades flashing in anger on the streets turning to rubber? the landmines party-popping with glitter?

And perhaps, possibly, maybe those who profess and carol and rejoice could just live to prove Emanuel; the spirit of Christmas become real - and not just for Christmas. Yet we wait, trying to imagine desperately how different the world might be… 
© Pistis

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Pistis reclaims the view through the Overton Window (weekending 14th December 2019)

istis reclaims the view through the Overton Window (weekending 14th December 2019)

istis, still tired from the late night ‘watch’ over the workings of democracy; from the channel- and station-surfing from pundit to pundit, graphic to graphic, cliché to overworked metaphor; from superlative to hyperbole and every position spun between; from the triumphant acclamation to deflated resignation – and peered at the view through the Overton Window[i]
‽ perhaps, as if by magic, the wisdom of the crowds/small groups (delate as appropriate when the turnout figures are known) - well at least those that had made it through the rain – had cleaned the raindrops, the smears and the dirt to give a view of the road ahead?

‽ possibly, even now the radical and unthinkable that lay behind the window (lurking in the corners of the room obscured by questions evaded, unlit by the light of interviews avoided, hidden behind numbers untested and assertions that seemed to gain veracity through the sheer volume of their proclamation and repetition) was being planned and plotted: the path from idea, to policy, to practice, to impact?

‽ maybe ‘the system’ had once again grounded itself on the sandbanks of the not-so-Good’win’ mathematics…
And perhaps, possibly, maybe it was time to rethink the two-swords length adversarial architecture of a crumbling edifice; to review the all-permissive power of a mandate that could be claimed from no more than 50%+1; to consider all representatives as ‘the government’ acting on behalf of everyone through consensus and co-operation; to take the best ideas, more evidence-based than ideological; and to require the elected to swear to be faithful and bear allegiance to those who have entrusted their futures to them - well at least until the next time that the Overton Window is opened.
© Pistis   


Thursday, 5 December 2019

Pistis reclaims Election Interviews (weekending 7th December 2019)

istis reclaims Election Interviews (the results show - or no show)  [i] (weekending 7th December 2019)

istis woke with a start – still sitting on the sofa, in the wee small hours when even the 24hr news channel was longing for the night to end and the headlines and the weather to change.

Uncharacteristically clear-headed, istis tallied the points from the dream interview, fresh in the memory: 

‽ perhaps at least 50, from a maximum +10 points for each of 5 answers that addressed the specific question asked: directly, immediately, succinctly and with fact-checked content

‽ possibly 3 examples of a clear and genuine apology for sins of omission or commission, errors of judgement personal and professional, past or present – and not just an apology if anyone had felt aggrieved or taken offence (+21 points total) 

‽ maybe no examples at all of:

·       exaggerating and rubbishing the policies/behaviour/ record/personality of either opponents, erstwhile colleagues or predecessors (-5 points for each)

·       three-word slogans that could mean everything but may mean anything or even nothing (-10 points)

·       repetition (-3 points)

·       repetition, again (-3 2 points)

·       deployment of the word ‘look’ to suggest that finally something genuine might about to be said (-2 points)

·       the phrase: ‘if you’ll just let me finish!’ or variation (-5 points; x 2 if preceded by a prepared speech on another topic related only tenuously to the question; x 4 if preceded by a prepared speech on another topic altogether)

·       repetition, yet again (-3 3 points)

·       hyperbole: about the cost of others’ proposals or the benefit of one’s own (-6 points)

·       repetition, deployed cynically simply to take up a significant proportion of a finite interview slot and thereby limit other questions or discussion of other topics (-3 4 points)

·       just continuing to talk, head down ‘I will make this point’, going on and on and on and on whether anyone else is talking or not; whether anyone is listening or not (-8 points)

istis even contemplated the rare award of bonus points for an absence of hubris, tone of patronising assertion, or effort to sound in touch through references from popular culture. Mind you, istis thought, complete absence: -50 points!

The news channel jingle heralded the dawn of a new day and istis realised that indeed it had been a dream interview!

© Pistis   

[i] NB: this may also be played as a drinking game: either negatively (with a commonly available and multi-form psychoactive substance with dependence-producing properties that has been widely used in many cultures for centuries; the harmful use of which causes a large disease, social and economic burden in societies and can result in harm to other people, such as family members, friends, co-workers and strangers (; or positively (with the milk of human kindness, or equivalent dairy-free alternative).   

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...