Thursday, 26 March 2020

Pistis cautiously ponders 'never again' (weekending March 28th 2020)

istis cautiously ponders ‘never again’… (weekending March 28th 2020

‽istis, very cautiously, with the greatest of respect and with recognition of the powerful associations of the phrase with times and acts of utter terror and horror, ponders ‘never again’…

Perhaps, possibly, maybe - never again may we:

        underestimate and underpay the truly essential workers – including[i]:

·       cleaning, portering, admin support and domestic staff, nurses, doctors and every layer of staff in health and social care settings (but oh, the apparent inequalities of pay and status)

·       teachers (oh, the patience!) and social workers (oh, the frequent vilification!)

·       journalists (oh the occasional high-profile denigration) providing public service broadcasting and speaking truth to power

·       those involved in the production, distribution, sale and delivery of food

·       those keeping oil, gas, electricity, water, refuse collection and sewage operations running and keep us connected vitally online

  think that the money cannot be found

  be swayed by opinions, and the thoughts and feelings of ideologues (however forcefully they are asserted and however apparently exalted the office holder) - rather than evidence and the rational, transparent and verifiable consideration of experts (through knowledge or experience)

  forget that unprompted outbreaks of kindness and optimism and altruism can spring up in unlikely places; that many, many people will volunteer; that mass rounds of applause can be so moving and motivating 

  fail to worry for those who are isolated, are out of the public gaze (away from the vigilance of teachers, social workers and health staff, away from the watchful concern and support of friends, neighbours and extended family) who may be experiencing child abuse, domestic abuse, vulnerable adult and elder abuse in their own homes

   forget that engineers and designers and manufacturers can make ventilators, protective equipment and testing-kits rather than weapons and weapons systems

   underestimate the power of positive social connections – even if they have to be virtual

   think that competition is necessarily better than collaboration to bring out the best in medical research and so much else… 

   forget that risk assessment is perhaps an inexact science; that probability and likelihood calculations are key but may be 'best guesses' or just guesses... and influenced by a host of heuristics - recognised or hidden; that low probability events sometimes happen

fail to value and support the international organisations that can bring together and enlarge our sense of us: World Health Organisation, United Nations...

  forget that many illnesses and diseases are no respecter of persons, status, geography or wealth - but also that so many fatal illnesses year in year out are preventable and that the way I live may be utterly connected with the way that so many die[ii]

And on, and on… 

‽istis asks: What would you add? What will you realise or remember? What will you ‘never again’…?

But with a heavy heart ‽istis wonders how often ‘never again’ has been proclaimed, inscribed, intoned, whispered, or cried…     

© Pistis  


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