Thursday, 14 May 2020

Pistis reclaims Only Connect (weekending May 16th 2020)


‽istis reclaims Only Connect (weekending May 16th 2020)

‽istis, with E.M.Forster’s ‘Howard’s End’ words swirling around (‘Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect, and the beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die.’) is in amazement at some of the information about apparent internet use:

        as of January 2019, there were almost 4.4 billion active internet users, equivalent to 57% of the global population[i]

        in 2017 there was three times as much internet traffic relating to online shopping as there were relating to visiting adult websites (ibid)

        under lockdown total internet hits have apparently surged by between 50% and 70%[ii]

        by early April 2020 ‘Zoom’ user numbers seemed to have risen to 200 million from 10 million in December 2019; ‘Google Meet’ daily usage was 25 times higher than in January 2020; ‘Microsoft Teams’ had over 44 million daily users, who generated over 900 million meeting and calling minutes daily in a single week at the end of March[iii]

        in March, a dataset of over 29,000 scientific articles related to the coronavirus family was made public to help the scientific and medical community better understand Covid-19 and its related viruses (ibid)

        but ‽istis is perhaps not surprised that organisations are issuing advice and guidance specifically to help children, young people and adults keep safe online during the Covid-19 epidemic e.g: in the UK, the NSPCC[iv]; Women’s Aid[v]

        …you might like to add your own ‘stats and facts’ about the quantity and quality of potentially good, bad and ugly uses, from wherever interest and research takes you… 

‽istis, like so many across the world, is physically isolated but is pretty-well ‘connected’ (perhaps unlike so many across the world who are excluded from many things including access to the internet) with friends and family; with colleagues and teams, customers and suppliers and clients; financially; leisurely, with games and films and television and plays and blogs and the seriousness and silliness of anybody’s postings… 

But this week ‽istis reclaims particularly the wonders of internet radio, mostly receiving it and listening to it via a dedicated set (with AM/FM/DAB/music player/aux input too; oh yes!). Today that radio tells   ‽istis that there are:

        20,587 stations available across all genres and from all parts of the world (searchable by type and place):

        ‘Alternative’ - perhaps much-needed at the moment?: 556

        Bluegrass: just 38

        Classical: 637

        Discussion: 78

        Folk: 400

        Jazz: 538

        New Age: 89

        News: 850

        News Talk: 718

        News Updates: 144

        Religious: 572

        Sports: 395

And ‽istis rejoices and wonders with ears wide open and with thanks to all those who create content; who research and produce and present; who keep us connected across such a diverse world-wide web of voices, ideas, opinions, news, drama, comedy, and the breadth and depth of music and sounds of this extraordinary world.

Harking back to E.M.Forster (but leaving ‘beasts’ and ‘monks’ aside - seemingly at either end of an intriguing spectrum!), the proliferation of internet radio stations perhaps adds to a sense that there are possibly ways for the prose and the passion of life to be connected and exalted – and (without being naïve about the sometime 
ranting and the abuse and the reporting of a vast range of experience good, bad and ugly) that maybe we can live in fragments no longer; that we can still hope that human love may, just from time to time, be glimpsed at its height!  

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...