Thursday, 30 July 2020

Pistis reclaims 'stuff' (weekending August 1st 2020)

istis reclaims ‘stuff’ (weekending August 1st 2020)

‽istis, moving home, reclaims thoughts about the ‘stuff’ of life… the ‘things’ collective, unnamed, defying specific categorisation, not curated more just somehow accumulated or kept because at any moment - past (tucked in a box, put in a drawer) or present (plonked on a shelf, no longer maybe even noticed, just around, just ‘always had that’) – they may help define a life, define a ‘me’, or an ‘us’…  

‽ a handwritten original poem in a tattered handmade booklet (staples probably traceable to a time before ‘Staples’ had come and gone) written just for you, with your childhood nickname (somehow cool again if only it hadn’t been ditched in the important process of growing up and creating an identity, at least until the next one!) on the cover and everything, the only lasting handwriting and creative expression of a relative who died decades ago…

‽ papers left over from work, signs that perhaps one was, at least once upon a time, vaguely competent; reminders of the mundane everyday that sustained a family even if it didn’t quite change a world

‽  pictures with many, many people encountered and events enjoyed or endured, some of which are always part of the present-day for good or ill; others which flood up in the memory, or well up in the eyes at the prompt; still others lost in the mists, completely irretrievable, unrecognised, incredulous that one was even there or we had met… 

…and on and on… Perhaps, possibly, maybe add your own…

But ‽stis looks up from the re-reading and remembering and wondering at what was and what could have been - and thinks… of perhaps a young person in care, moving to yet another placement, belongings in bin bags; of possibly an older person, a single significant picture on the wall facing a bed they are not sure how they got in to, in a room they are not sure they can get out, of in a home that they can’t recognise, with people who are new every time they meet them; of maybe anyone, living on the streets, ‘stuff’ in a trolley that was nicked when they slept for a brief moment just a little too soundly; of someone choosing a small backpack-full before climbing in to the crowded rubber boat; of perhaps, possibly, maybe everyone, in or at the end - where ‘stuff’ may just not matter anymore but for whom it has been such a part of  'them'…

And ‽stis, having built a case that really doesn’t fool anyone else, and having calculated that surely there will be enough room somewhere, at least until the next move – pops it in the box… 

© Pistis   

NB: further reflections linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: 

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Pistis reclaims (re-)building blocks? (weekending July 25th 2020)

istis reclaims (re-)building blocks? (weekending July 25th 2020)

‽ …with a new baby in the extended family, born in difficult ‘lockdown’ circumstances;

‽ with speculation about fertility levels and population growth or decline[i];

 with the contested value of talk about the need for ‘grown-ups in the room’;

‽ with world leaders with new babies or young children (parents for the first time or most recent time);

‽ with at least one world leader sometimes portrayed as a baby or petulant toddler;

‽ with books that perhaps link current behaviour and attitudes with early life, family and  formative experiences  - and which may remind us of the potential value of seeing the public figure in a deeply personal and biographical context;

‽ with children and young people standing up, marching and shouting out;

‽ with mothers taking to the streets and facing the power and the tear gas and the batons of the state, singing out not to be shot;

‽ with an apparent fresh rise in sectarianism, ‘tribalism’ and division perhaps with roots in matters of identity, inequality and injustice, inclusion or exclusion, advantage or exploitation - past and present;

‽ with apparent claims of ‘world-beating’ responses to a pandemic that seem to require the language and graphs of competition more than co-operation;

‽ with so many people having to navigate the challenges of managing relationships (positive or not so; super-intense or fractured; enhancing and fulfilling or abusive, or somewhere in between; distant or virtual…) with family and friends in extra-ordinary times… 

‽istis reclaims what perhaps could be a vital account and ideas to possibly help us think about who and how I am as I am - and who and how we are and have come to be as we are. ‽istis has watched yet again a clip of film with Dr Bruce Perry presenting an overview of a story-board that develops progressively with links from building-block to building block[ii] and which potentially takes us:

·        from attachment: where a ‘secure’ attachment is rooted in a loving relationship with a care-giver or care-givers, that meets needs

·        to regulation of feelings and emotions and responses, perhaps managed for us, then with us, then internalised and self-managed

·        from affiliation: recognition of connection with others, separate but together

·        to awareness of similarities and differences perhaps arising from a sense of our respective ‘uniqueness-es’

·        from tolerance as similarities and differences are recognised, accepted and respected, maybe rooted in our common-ness,

·        to recognition that we are all perhaps part of a larger whole, a web of co-dependency, where diversity is beneficial and necessary, where we are connected.   

And there are many other relevant talks, lectures and interviews to pursue (with/by Perry and others)[iii] if these ideas, and the research that has informed them, perhaps helps me and you and us to make sense of our own experiences, individually and together; if they possibly help us to find, recognise, encourage or support strengths; and if maybe they could even provide some firm foundations and secure bases to (re-)build on – in theory and in practice.

© Pistis   

NB: further reflections linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: 


[i]  Six Core strengths for Healthy Child Development (The Child Trauma Academy Channel)

[iii] E.g: Social and Emotional Development in Childhood; Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential and Endangered and the related book by Maria Szalavitz and Bruce D. Perry

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Pistis reclaims 20:20 (weekending July 18th 2020)

istis reclaims 20:20 (weekending July 18th 2020)

‽stis wonders if this is perhaps part of what a pandemic can do: dominate widely (and absolutely for some) – thought, conversations (weather-chat displaced?), feelings, behaviour, words and deeds; disturbing sleep, disrupting day-dreams and hopes…  and bringing utter, utter devastation for some!

But possibly also, the pandemic can affect how you and I see things and even what we are seeing…  ‽stis is cautious about subscribing too easily to ideas that may suggest the virus is some sort of ‘sent’ phenomenon; some sort of exogenous (Divine?) imposition to teach a lesson (punish) or to encourage change (with stick or carrot or a bit of both); somehow an inevitable working out of a cold and discriminate Malthusian[i] dynamic; some sort of endogenous Gaia-like[ii] re-balancing - in this year of ‘perfect vision’, 20:20.

There seems to be no shortage of claims that the past 6 months may have prompted some people to think about things more clearly.  If you care to type ‘What I have learned from Covid-19?’ into a search engine (several are available, but ‘Google’ this morning took 0.48 seconds to apparently identify 5,950,000,000 results[iii] ) or listen to the BBC ‘Rethink’ podcast[iv] (with the multiple analyses of problem-loci and possible solution-foci), well the lessons seem to abound – including perhaps a powerful incidental one about the vast extent of the ‘world wide web’ and the capacity of software to search it!

A great deal of reflection, processing, opining and dialogue (at varying decibel levels) seems underway - even if this is not yet the ‘right moment’ to hold an independent inquiry[v].

So, if it is not too fanciful, ‽stis thinks that perhaps, possibly, maybe some of the fault lines of the old ‘normal’ may have been revealed, directly or indirectly - like a barium meal coursing through the world’s digestive system, like an X-ray or a CT scan, an MRI or ultrasound test (select your medical imaging process of choice, many of which have surely been so vital in assisting diagnosis and treatment of people so ill from so many effects of the virus). Here are a few suggestions to possibly ponder in no particular order– to which I am sure many, many more could be added:

‽ identity and how we define and are defined, past, present and future

‽ the power of the stories we tell and are told: past, present and about the future

‽ what might constitute a ‘good life’ and how to live it

‽ how we bring up our children

‽ climate crises and whether we have time

‽ optimism – v - pessimism – v - fatalism – v - realism

‽ how we live together and live with everything that lives, moves and has being; independence, dominance, exploitation, co-dependence, nurturance, compassion, restoration, reparation and regeneration

‽ education and training - purpose and nature; art, craft and science; kindling the flame; styles and methods; teaching and learning

‽ our relationship with tech. and intelligence ‘artificial’

‽ how we meet and negotiate rights, needs and wants; how we meet the needs of those who are vulnerable and address how and why they are vulnerable

how we govern and are governed; different styles and arrangements for leadership and decision-making across the world; the balance of confidence - v - competence; the influences and influencers

‽ considerations of state – v - individual responsibility and capacity to protect and provide, perhaps especially in relation to health and wellbeing, mental and physical, integrating care across the lifespan: at home, community, hospital and residential; radically rethinking 'disability' (a spectrum of 'diffabilities'?) and that which disables

‽ how resources personal, familial, community, neighbourhood, regional, national and international are to be allocated and spent; property and ownership; work and leisure; the place of art and creativity

‽ the benefits for some of cheap, plentiful and available goods from across a global market – v - the cost of production and distribution for many; quality – v - quantity

‽ food security and the potential impact of under- and over-consumption for us all

‽ the fragility of ‘just in time’ and global supply lines

‽ the value and role of belief/s and ideology - and the organisations, institutions and arrangements built upon them; do we want or need God/gods – or are we enough?   

‽ the balance between peace and justice, justice and peace – and the means to secure it; the cost of security and the price of defence

‽ the distinction between guidance and law; the degree to which common-sense is actually common; when and how the law is challenged or upheld; how we deal with lawbreakers and those who abuse or violate; excuse – v - explanation

‽ the benefits and disadvantages of nationalism – v – internationalism

‽ those who have – v - those who have not in relation to so many things:

·        secure (or just any) employment

·        respect and status and decent pay for the work they do (essential workers, those long-recognised and those perhaps newly-appreciated: in care homes and the homes of those who need care, in food shops, in public services, in delivery vans etc.)

·        decent housing and living space, access to outdoors

·        savings and financial security

·        resilience or vulnerability linked to underlying health conditions or past and present social conditions 

·        supportive and caring friends and family

·        a voice

·        access to power

·        experience of discrimination, exclusion or abuse

·        the impact on life-chances and life-experiences

And ‽stis wonders if this is really a moment, a turning point, an opportunity for a new consensus, possibly a new ‘normal’ – which just may look a little less like the old‽

© Pistis   

NB: further reflections linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: 

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Pistis reclaims a year (weekending July 11th 2020)

istis reclaims a year in a wonder-ing life… (weekending July 11th 2020)

‽stis wonders what a difference a year makes...

‽ A year of blog entries including ‘reclaiming’:

·        sport

·        the Earth

·        humility and caution

·        the emergency services

·        electricity

·        international days

·        education

·        clichĂ©s: the ‘comfort zone’

·        cause or symptom

·        the lectern

·        showing your working out

·        defecation

·        keeping the peace

·        a good night’s sleep

·        ratification

·        the moment before

·        white poppies

·        intolerance

·        distrust of ‘Great Men’

·        black from red

·        election interviews

·        the view through the Overton Window

·        advent

·        the space between

·        resolution

·        wonder

·        vital statistics

·        secure bases, safe havens

·        the state of nations, or nations in a state

·        a bright, bright spotlight

·        levelling up

·        ‘kind’

·        self-isolation, the spirit of Eyam and redeemed and sanctified ‘webbery’

·        the right to be wild, the responsibility to be livid

·        naming and framing and re-building Babel

·        as ‘them’ and ‘us’ becomes a greater ‘we’?

·        a lighter tone?

·        an appreciation – of hands

·        sound and silence

·        ‘the next slide please’ and downturning curves

·        100 years and a sense of history

·        a tone and a tune for the times

·        ‘only connect’

·        seeks to avoid: ‘then a miracle occurs’

·        apples and apples

·        kneels in shame and guilt and contrition

·        problematic history, statues and memorials

·        C.O.W.P.A.Ts

·        pandemic vital statistics

·        the Fourth of July and another way?  


A year of family expanded by another generation and a generation somehow not lost; life and death – perhaps ‘true’ universals?


‽ A year of responsibilities: shed or changed… but what responsibility some have assumed or carried – visibly or hidden, sung or unsung, accountable or otherwise


‽ A year of gently untying the social bonds of a small community; relocation, almost; new communities found, virtually; relatively little disruption unlike for so many: lives and families and livelihoods and locale never to be the same again


A year of ideas and beliefs and values: challenged, confirmed, complexified, created


A year: pre-Covid-19 pandemic / during-Covid-19 pandemic / post-this-pandemic… maybe?


A year when just perhaps the ground has shifted? possibly the tectonic plates on which manybodies’ worlds rest have moved a little? maybe some of the constructs and narratives and meta-narratives (and all that may follow) are being put under a spotlight powered by new sources of energy; deconstructed and examined, re-constructed, newly built - new stories, new ways of telling…?  For some (the usually immune, those for whom the dice are usually loaded favourably) maybe a new uncertainty; for others the same uncertainty and vulnerability and fragility and against-loaded dice and inequality and exclusion and lack of voice and power…  

And ‽stis ponders on: wondering? and wonder-ing!

© Pistis 

NB: further reflections linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: 

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...