Thursday 9 July 2020

Pistis reclaims a year (weekending July 11th 2020)

istis reclaims a year in a wonder-ing life… (weekending July 11th 2020)

‽stis wonders what a difference a year makes...

‽ A year of blog entries including ‘reclaiming’:

·        sport

·        the Earth

·        humility and caution

·        the emergency services

·        electricity

·        international days

·        education

·        clichés: the ‘comfort zone’

·        cause or symptom

·        the lectern

·        showing your working out

·        defecation

·        keeping the peace

·        a good night’s sleep

·        ratification

·        the moment before

·        white poppies

·        intolerance

·        distrust of ‘Great Men’

·        black from red

·        election interviews

·        the view through the Overton Window

·        advent

·        the space between

·        resolution

·        wonder

·        vital statistics

·        secure bases, safe havens

·        the state of nations, or nations in a state

·        a bright, bright spotlight

·        levelling up

·        ‘kind’

·        self-isolation, the spirit of Eyam and redeemed and sanctified ‘webbery’

·        the right to be wild, the responsibility to be livid

·        naming and framing and re-building Babel

·        as ‘them’ and ‘us’ becomes a greater ‘we’?

·        a lighter tone?

·        an appreciation – of hands

·        sound and silence

·        ‘the next slide please’ and downturning curves

·        100 years and a sense of history

·        a tone and a tune for the times

·        ‘only connect’

·        seeks to avoid: ‘then a miracle occurs’

·        apples and apples

·        kneels in shame and guilt and contrition

·        problematic history, statues and memorials

·        C.O.W.P.A.Ts

·        pandemic vital statistics

·        the Fourth of July and another way?  


A year of family expanded by another generation and a generation somehow not lost; life and death – perhaps ‘true’ universals?


‽ A year of responsibilities: shed or changed… but what responsibility some have assumed or carried – visibly or hidden, sung or unsung, accountable or otherwise


‽ A year of gently untying the social bonds of a small community; relocation, almost; new communities found, virtually; relatively little disruption unlike for so many: lives and families and livelihoods and locale never to be the same again


A year of ideas and beliefs and values: challenged, confirmed, complexified, created


A year: pre-Covid-19 pandemic / during-Covid-19 pandemic / post-this-pandemic… maybe?


A year when just perhaps the ground has shifted? possibly the tectonic plates on which manybodies’ worlds rest have moved a little? maybe some of the constructs and narratives and meta-narratives (and all that may follow) are being put under a spotlight powered by new sources of energy; deconstructed and examined, re-constructed, newly built - new stories, new ways of telling…?  For some (the usually immune, those for whom the dice are usually loaded favourably) maybe a new uncertainty; for others the same uncertainty and vulnerability and fragility and against-loaded dice and inequality and exclusion and lack of voice and power…  

And ‽stis ponders on: wondering? and wonder-ing!

© Pistis 

NB: further reflections linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: 

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