Thursday, 1 October 2020

Pistis reclaims leadership (weekend October 3rd 2020)


istis reclaims leadership (weekending October 3rd  2020)

‽istis, head in hands, listening to the US Presidential election debate this week and  ‽istis, head in hands, listening to this (and perhaps every) week’s UK Prime Minister’s Questions – wonders how it might look or sound if it were happening in another country (in the words of a phrase that perhaps helps us begin to see our ‘norm’, our ‘taken-for-granteds’ through others’ eyes[i])…

And ‽istis pondered leadership and leaders:

‽ perhaps, somehow, we get the leaders we need?                                                    

‽ possibly in a democracy we somehow get the leaders we deserve

 (however indirect the voting system of electoral colleges or constituency-elections etc.; whether we vote or don’t)

‽ maybe somehow we get the leaders that, through the mystical wisdom of crowds, really do represent ‘us’ (though whether that is the best of us, the worst of us or something in-between may be hard to say)

 ‽ perhaps we somehow get the leaders that we are willing to pay for[ii] - or that someone else is willing to pay for[iii] - directly or indirectly, in cash or in kind (the social media kind), near or far?

‽ possibly the cream does rise to the top…?

‽ maybe the Spencer/Darwin imperative of ‘the survival of the fittest’ wins out again (though our definition of ‘fittest’ could perhaps bear some rethinking)?   

And ‽istis wonders whether just because it is as it is[iv], it has to always be like this? Just imagine if a leader thought, for example:

·        more globally than nationally

·        as much about the 48% as the 52% - the minority as the majority - in a democracy

·        beyond the election-cycle

·        that a unilateral move could be made

·        systemically and structurally

·        causally as well as symptomologically

·        that money spent on peace-building and green jobs was a better option than money spent on defence and arms manufacturing

·        that none of us are safe and well unless we are all safe and well, everyone

·        that ‘rights’ matter in a hierarchy - with life as the primary right before others can be claimed – and human rights linking to rights of other living things

·        that ‘what unites us is greater than what divides us’[v]

·        that knowledge of the value of everything was more important than the cost of everything

·        that addressing inequality required radical reparation and redistribution

·        that… and you might add your own best wishes, hopes and dreams, perhaps?

and acted accordingly…    

Well, would they ever be elected or allowed anywhere near the reins of power? But can we just imagine how different the world could be…

© Pistis   

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: 

Please do consider following on Twitter and engaging or commenting positively whether you agree or disagree!


[i] Apparently a running feature of the Slate group online magazine though earlier and other uses of the phrase may be traced, perhaps

[ii] With many ‘public servants’ apparently paid more than the Prime Minister in the UK , with the current Prime Minister apparently ‘strapped for cash’ and with

[iii] For further reading: data available on the Federal Election Commission website, for example or see, for example, Peter Geoghegan’s article from The Guardian Dec 2019

[iv] (reflecting what may have been one of the most profound comments on the current state of things and on leadership from the US election debate: ‘It is what it is, because you are who you are’ )

[v] JFKennedy and many others – probably before as well as since

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