Thursday, 26 November 2020

Pistis reclaims consensus (weekending November 28th 2020)


istis reclaims consensus (weekending November 28th 2020)

This week ‽istis wonders, when, for example and apparently:

the margin is 51.9% to 48.1%[i] - or - 80,063,589 votes to 73,904,195 votes[ii]

59% of respondents in the UK 2011 census indicate a Christian belief and 41% claim a belief in another religion or none[iii]

despite the ‘spectrum’ approach of the Democracy Index[iv], it seems that 57% of countries could be considered to be democracies of some kind[v]

the UN reports that just 5% of heads of government around the world are female[vi]

c.2/3rds of the British Cabinet are privately educated (Feb 2020)[vii]

the world’s 2,153 billionaires have more wealth than the 4.6 billion people who make up 60 percent of the planet’s population - and the 22 richest men in the world have more wealth than all the women in Africa[viii]

the United States spent around 718.69 billion US$ on its military in 2019[ix] and New Zealand planned to spend 3.29 billion US$ even after a 23% increase[x]

..then how is ‘consensus’ created or sustained especially in situations where there may be no written constitution[xi]; where the ‘evidence’ or the science may be contested (for example: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 / SARS-CoV-2[xii]), let alone the policies based on it; where a ‘post-modern’ incredulity towards meta-narratives (after Lyotard[xiii]) perhaps asks much of that which is considered accepted/given/non-other in either our ‘histories’ or our various ‘presents’…?

And then ‽istis wonders whether there has ever really been a ‘consensus’… or whether what any ‘we’ calls consensus might be no more or no less than the views of the ‘currently powerful’…

·        perhaps however that power might have been rooted[xiv]: physical strength (and its extension in weaponry and arms small or nuclear) and related ableism; gender; sexual orientation; wealth, ownership of the means of production, heredity; social status or class or caste; education; age; race; religion; etc…

·        possibly, however that power may have been acquired, buttressed, maintained, imposed or manifest…

·        maybe, however that power has been used to claim an understanding of apparent consensus - or the right to decide what may be the accepted, declared or unquestioned sense of consensus…


And perhaps in recognising the means of gaining, holding and exercising power- and of defining ‘consensus’ - we possibly begin to recognise the clothes that Emperors anywhere and anywhen may put on to hide their shared nakedness?


© Pistis                                                                                   

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’:   


[i] The UK’s EU Referendum results:

[ii] Number of votes for Biden/Trump respectively as reported by The Guardian webpage 26.11.2020:

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