Friday, 8 January 2021

Pistis reclaims legacy (weekending January 9th 2021)


istis reclaims legacy (weekending January 9th 2021)

As Senator Chuck Schumer proclaims: “the final, terrible, indelible legacy of the 45th president of the US, undoubtedly our worst”[i], ‽istis ponders legacy and the potential recall and possible deserved or undeserved snappy titles of future constructed histories:

 Catherine the Great, Edward the Confessor, Ivan the Terrible, Charles the Bald, Thorkell the Tall, Charles the Affable, Julian the Apostate, William the Ambitious, Indulf the Aggressor, Afonso the African, John the Beer-Jug, Isabel the Redemptress, Colomon the Bookish, Ivailo the Cabbage, Boleslaw the Chaste,  Uroลก the Weak, Kenneth the Chief, John the Constant, Edmund the Deed-Doer, Vlad the Devil, Constantine the Dung-Named, Ivan the Fair, Niall the Showers, Louis the Unavoidable, Denis the Farmer, Ketil the Flatnose, Maria the Most-Beautiful, Rupert the Gentle, Wilfred the Hairy, Fulk the Ill-tempered, Henry the Impotent, Bayezid the Just, Leonor the Treacherous, George the Prince of Whales, Magnus the Law-Mender, Diodotus the Saviour, Eystein the Maiden, Charles the Martyr, Ivan the Moneybags, James the Wisest Fool in Christendom, Basarab the Young, Pippin the Younger, Sigurd the Mouth, Boso the Old, Alfonso the Peacemaker, Louis the Sluggard, Sancho the Populator, Ladislaus the Posthumous, Olaf the Quiet, Ethelred the Unready, Maria the Good Mother[ii]; on, on and gloriously on…

  Trump the Loser? (306 – 232[iii]), Trump the Useful Idiot? (possibly the best of UIs: for both Republicans 2016-2020 and for Democrats 2021 onwards with the Presidency, the Senate and the House?), Trump the Inciter? Trump the Double-Impeached? Trump the Patient? Trump the Inmate? Trump the Tweeter? Trump the TV Personality? Trump the Debtor?[iv], Trump the Bankrupt? Trump the Forgotten?      

And around the world you might like to complete the format on Twitter and other social media?

·        Country:.…….  Leader’s name………. the……….

      Fictitious examples for illustrative purposes only:

·        New Zealand: Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern the Role Model?

·        United Kingdom: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson the Hubristic?

And so ‽istis wonders how they and you and me might be remembered…? And if we were to ponder that now, how different the world might be?

© Pistis                                                                                                                       

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

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