Saturday, 20 March 2021

Pistis reclaims carrots (weekending March 20th 2021)


istis reclaims (and defends) carrots (weekending March 20th 2021)

In a week when perhaps the headline takeaway from the extensive UK’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and foreign Policy[i] was that the UK would apparently be lifting the cap on its nuclear arsenal by 40 per cent, increasing to 260 warheads,[ii] ‽istis takes a first short, shallow dive into the acrimony/acronymy of defence: from MAD to NPT to TPNW; from 1ACC to ZZ (in the extraordinary 2014, 402 page document: Ministry of Defence acronyms and abbreviations[iii]) and ponders carrots and sticks – yet feels constantly at sea… 

Perhaps the title of the UK’s March 2021 Integrated Defence Review document might provide a clue to two constructs that possibly drive the narrative, that finds the money, that supports the research, that builds the production facilities, that even may (fossil)fuel the prospect of potential mutually assured destruction – sooner or later – from many threats including terrorism, nuclear explosion, mutating viruses, a collapsing complex life-sustaining eco-system: ‘Global Britain in a Competitive Age…’[iv]: nation states[v] and competition…?

So ‽istis wonders what and how and wherein lies security?

And for perhaps, possibly, maybe a ridiculously naïve moment ‽istis tries to imagine what other ‘extraordinary things’ could be achieved to keep us all safe:

‽ by those billions and billions of pounds (some perhaps even effectively trackable and traceable in their public good/private profit spending model)

‽ those thousands of ‘remarkable people’ developing ‘exceptional technologies, facilities and projects’[vi]

‽ if possibly the allocation of 2.2% of GDP[vii] - and - under 0.7% of GDP[viii] were swapped

‽ if we perhaps pursued co-operation more than competition, globalism more than nationalism

…if maybe, together, we really sought to grow and prepare and cook and share the carrots more than upgrading and hiding a larger number of threatening sticks‽   

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

[v] An anthem-soothed, flag-bedecked acceptable face – un-naturally constructed or imposed - of sectarianism and tribalism?

[vi] From the website of the AWE (UK’s ‘Atomic Weapons Establishment’) which with BAE Systems, Rolls Royce and Babcock is a key player in ‘designing, building, maintaining and operating’ the UK’ independent nuclear deterrent.

[vii] Ibid: ‘We will increase our defence budget by over £24 billion over the next four years and remain the largest European spender on defence in NATO, with our expenditure now standing at 2.2% of GDP.’


‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

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