Friday, 29 October 2021

Pistis ponders Hallowe'en: RIP? RIG? (weekending October 30th 2021)

istis ponders Hallowe'en: RIP? RIG? (weekending October 30th 2021)

This week as Hallowe’en/All Hallows’ Eve beckons potentially for a night of mystery, mayhem, fantasy, a deadly subject dressed up just for fun (and a little targeted commercial trading) and perhaps a frisson of fear, ‽istis ponders death...  

As is often the case with ‽istis’ wonderings, there are some numbers discovered, some person-focused reflection on and about the souls behind the numbers - and there may be a big question or two...‽ And as with so many of the topics and issues, these wonderings and ponderings are simply a possible jumping on point that may spark  further thoughts and explorations of your own, if indeed there is anybody there... 

First the R.I.P. - rest in peace (other phrases and euphemisms are available), a consummation devoutly to be wished? - and the following seem to be some pretty important numbers:

‽ The ‘worldometer’ (1) website counters spin on and at the afternoon time of typing, today’s estimated deaths pass 115,835 (with births notching up at more than twice the rate, it seems today) and the total deaths this year nears an estimated 48.5million. All those last breaths; all that pain for those going and those left, hardly tempered by a sense of relief for some people where the going has been tough and the going in to the dark night (2) was far from gentle, but raged through choice or circumstance.

‽ All that illness, all the care and treatment that must surely lie behind so many of the numbers with ‘the top global causes of death... associated with three broad topics: cardiovascular (heart disease, stroke), respiratory (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower respiratory infections) and neonatal conditions...’  And perhaps we can just begin to imagine the ripples of activity, the people involved throughout the more or less adequate and complex domestic, private and public health and care systems across the world... the unpaid family members, friends, volunteers and the paid professionals - millions and millions of them, millions and millions of us, working to maintain and preserve optimal well-being and life in quantity and quality; managing chronic or rapid decline and last days - all those hands holding; responding to accident or the reasonably preventable that could perhaps have been avoided; the deliberate and inflicted or seemingly chosen; the acute crises!

‽ And all the after-wards... the unseen care-takers, undertaking on our behalf...

‽ And all that emotion! Waves and waves, complex, fleeting or lasting. Loved ones grieving, missing someone that they did things with and missing the person they just did nothing with - and for whom it perhaps does not get any better, though maybe one day some may find that they have somehow got a bit better at coping.

There is so very much more that could be said, even though words may fail us or be so inadequate...  

But what of the 'All Hallows', the all saints, the expectation of some people that R.I.P. could  be followed with R.I.G. (‘rise in glory’)? What of the belief for some that there is (not just may be) more, better, reunity: in some form or other hereafter, in some place or other, with some people or other, with a deity or without, here or there, for ever or again and again, etc.?

What do you think, or believe, or feel...?

And ‽istis grinds to something of a halt with all this weighty pondering...  

Thoughts turn to caterpillars becoming butterflies...

And ‽istis wonders finally whether life is held more preciously and lived more fully by those who believe or those who don’t. 

And as the ‘worldometer’ tally rises relentlessly and a thousand schools of thought about life and death bloom and sometimes contend, the poet Mary Oliver’s words seem to fall down with the rain on this far from summer’s English grey day: ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do, with your one wild and precious life?’ (3) - perhaps just imagine what could be possible - and indeed may be... 

© Pistis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog

entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  



  2. After Dylan Thomas: 


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