‽istis wonders about singing (weekending June 25th
In a week when there seemed so much to ponder on and wonder
A devastating earthquake razing homes and schools and hospitals -
literally crushing lives and erasing two, three generations and extended families
in a land that seems to have seen figurative earthquakes in politics, religion,
military and ideology[i]
A railway strike in the UK; about pay and so much more[ii]
A French President loses some power to influence, change and
The Heads of Commonwealth Governments meeting in Rwanda[iv] ensuring that at least
one flight landing there this month carries at least one law-breaker[v] who may also be seeking
asylum from a potentially hostile home environment
● By-elections - the latest
source of the home environment hostility[vi] unless unexpected results
somehow manage to relieve rather than increase pressure on a mid-term Government
and a beleaguered PM.
turns instead to wonder at singing and particularly group singing – as a final
for now, sixth, session is held. Songs for the soul and spirit: of peace, love,
justice, light in dark times, peace in times of conflict, safe havens and
harbours, keeping good in bad times, keeping soft in hard times, fearing not
the pain[vii]
– an oasis from hot weather and the news of the week.
words such as: listen, blend, meld, breathe... become newly important and perhaps understood a little more deeply. Contributing but not dominating. Holding a
line to build a harmony. Single voices found and then differently lost in a
greater whole. Sometimes tears shed. Smiles inside and to others. Reflective.
Intentional. And we seem better for it…
And then: cake!
So, this weekly oasis is behind us for a while’s more journeying, but ‽istis will remember that it happened and hold the belief that it can happen again - in the world as it is, not just in a world that we imagine and hope for. Proof as product; product as proof‽
And just maybe we can carry on singing it into
being. And if we do not have a voice, then possibly we can dance it into being.
And if we cannot dance, then perhaps we can ‘be’ it into being.
© Pistis
NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme
and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t
necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’:
@Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...
References include: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/23/afghanistan-earthquake-karim-nyazai-returns-to-village
References include: https://inews.co.uk/news/train-strike-why-rail-workers-striking-reasons-explained-will-more-strikes-1695427
References include: https://www.france24.com/en/france/20220623-where-do-france-s-opposition-parties-stand-on-a-deal-with-macron
References include: https://thecommonwealth.org/chogm
/ https://thecommonwealth.org/theme
[v] References
include: https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-fined-prime-minister-apologises-after-receiving-fixed-penalty-notice-for-lockdown-breaking-party-12588712
References include: https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/elections-and-voting/by-elections/
[vii] With
thanks to Rainer Maria Rilke. References include: https://journal.workthatreconnects.org/2017/04/21/you-who-let-yourselves-feel-enter-the-breathing-poem/