Thursday 14 July 2022

Pistis ponders threes (weekending July 16th 2022)


‽istis ponders: threes (weekending July 16th 2022)

This week istis has pondered: Just. Three. Things.

Firstly, words, memorable phrases, soundbites, advice, motivation, instructions, pledges, hopes, branding…

·        Low tax. Small state. Personal responsibility (and an outside candidate articulates a political position and an old message[i], perhaps cutting a route to the heart of a party and a swathe through the early rounds of voting that may lead to no. 10 Downing Street?)

·        Hands. Face. Space (and the spread of the virus is slowed?)

·        Stay Alert. Control the Virus. Save Lives (and the virus is managed?)

·        Catch it. Bin It. Kill It (and other germs lose their power?)

·        See it. Say it. Sorted (and terrorist threats are neutralised?)

·        Get Brexit Done (and a rosy future is assured?)

·        Education, Education, Education (and a Prime Minister is remembered for positive things?)

·        Count your blessings (and gratitude is dwelt on, oftentimes despite?)

·        I’m loving it (and fast food sells faster?)

·        Ban the Bomb (and a nation is safe?, well at least a festival is held?)

·        Just Do It (and behavioural changes occur irrespective of feelings and thoughts?)

·        Seize The Day (and the ordinary is extraordinaried and opportunities grasped?)

·        You’ve Got This (and confidence is imbued?)

·        Every Little Helps (and supermarket share is gained even as the cost of living and the symbolic ‘basket of goods’[ii] soars?)

·        No Planet B (and an existential catastrophe is avoided?)

·        Not in my name (and the rule of three is stretched a bit!)

And many more…[iii]

The ‘rule of three’ seems to be something of a phenomenon – it ‘suggests that when things come in threes, they are inherently funnier, more satisfying, or more effective than other numbers of things. There is brevity and rhythm to three while also representing the beginning of a pattern.’[iv]


Three core concepts in early childhood development[v] seem to help us understand important ideas about those vital years; our vital years and their potential legacy:

·        Experiences build brain architecture

·        Serve and return interaction shapes brain circuitry

·        Toxic stress derails healthy development


‘Three points’ seem to provide the template for many a talk or religious sermon[vi]: beginning, middle, end; ‘tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; tell them what you’ve told them;’[vii] – and there’s a hope that what you’ve said can be remembered!


‘What Three Words’ seeks to pinpoint any 'where' across the globe precisely to within 3metres[viii] and amazingly, it seems to define and name everywhere in English (oh, how world-beating we must be, until the internet went down and the portal to our 3m x 3m atomised world is lost?!) e.g: ///shrugging.limbs.apprehend; ///sands.popping.interest; ///secretly.records.profiled; ///slurs.this.shark (nominative determinism, anyone)…


Then ‽istis wondered whether asking people to describe ‘things’ (people, places, situations, experiences, emotions, etc.) in three words or phrases might give some quick insight into their perception – not necessarily telling a full rich and layered picture – but providing a hint, perhaps.

Maybe try it (cautiously perhaps) with family and friends?

“If I were to ask you to try to sum up what you think about ‘X’ in three words or short phrases, what would you say?” where ‘X’ equals the following, or anything else that you might care to ponder…

·        Boris Johnson…

·        The conflict in Ukraine…

·        The current weather…

·        Your job…

·        Our relationship (caution definitely advised as honesty may follow)…

·        Your ambitions and hopes…

·        What might constitute a well-spent life…


And finally ‽istis considers that a personal three-point motto or mission statement could perhaps help bring focus; might possibly help express thoughts, feelings and activity, fears, hopes, intentions and motivations.

Wondering what yours might be and after much reflection ‽istis comes up with:

‽ Wonder and ponder

‽ Imagine things better

‽ Live to prove

…definitely a work in progress‽ 


© Pistis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[vi] And templates are even available… And as for a three-point sermon on Trinity Sunday; perfection!

[vii] and a TEDx talk by Mark Moore: : Love Do Hope. Yes No Maybe, and other examples.

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