Friday, 30 September 2022

Pistis wonders at confidence (weekending October 1st 2022)


‽istis wonders at confidence (weekending October 1st 2022)

Listening to the round of local radio interviews with the UK’s Prime Minister[i], ‽istis admired the laser-guided questions from local radio station presenters and their listeners which, if not quite cutting through the prepared phrases and references invoked to explain the financial crisis that seems to have broken like a wave (‘global crisis’, ‘Putin’s war’, ‘energy costs’, but strangely not ‘tax cuts’, ‘bankers’ bonuses’, ‘Government borrowing’, ‘lack of supporting information or independent scrutiny’, ‘uncosted’, ‘poorly communicated’, ‘unapproved by Parliament’, etc.), at least forced that sin of radio: a moment or two’s silence from the PM.

Yet ‽istis also rather grudgingly admired (and even envied) the apparent sheer display of self-confidence:

·        from one whose mandate came:

o   not from ‘the country’ (who had had no say)

o   not from the party’s MPs (who had had a say and had rejected, favouring the ex-Chancellor who may well be struggling not to proclaim from the roof-tops or into the radio silence: “I told you so!”)

o   but from the party membership with its much-touted relatively small number and apparently geographically-located, gender, age, social and views-on-certain-issues bias[ii].

·        from the new and seriously impressively qualified chancellor[iii].

So ‽istis started to wonder about confidence and where it comes from…

Perhaps dividing a seemingly slippery concept into self-confidence - v - others’ confidence is a bit too binary even if the gap between the two can help us understand the apparent financial crisis that seems to have followed in the wake of the ‘mini-budget’ (possibly as much a ‘fiscal event’ as invading Ukraine was a ‘special military operation’?).

Maybe a division of self- from others’- confidence is a bit too simplistic? Perhaps self-confidence starts with unconditional approval but then builds and is internalised through repeated validation, achievement, awards and rewards, approbation, acclamation, meeting and surpassing targets and tests – a transfer of ‘confidence-capital’ from provider to recipient?

And yet, and yet ‽istis wonders whether there is a confidence trick to be careful of: the danger of reaching a tipping point where someone/s now believe/s that they can trust or have implicit confidence in their judgement, their ability, their sense of the right way to go about things – no longer thinking that they need external validation from, say, a body established to ‘give independent and authoritative analysis of the UK’s public finances’[iv], from peers, from other experts and, as the latest polls seem to suggest, from stakeholders including those:

·        who may be the most severely affected

·        whose pensions may be jeopardised

·        whose vital services may be reduced and cut - either to pay for the borrowing or because profits can be taken out in the future by the pay and free-to-soar bonuses of CEOs and the rewards by dividend paid to the private shareholders and those who could hedge their bets – new privatised ‘owners of the means of provision’[v] who can profit when market forces are unleashed to rescue apparently failing and inadequate state provision, softened up and needing saving and saviours[vi]

·        whose mortgages may be lost or unpayable – whose very homes may be lost

·        whose support you perhaps, possibly, maybe lose at your peril.

Rampant displays of hubris (perhaps just the right word for confidence internalised beyond the point of the others’-confidence which possibly produced and sustained it, or can justify and support it) maybe contributed to the demise of the previous UK Prime Minister, could it sooner or later also do for another, or at least a Chancellor?

 © ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  


[i] Brought together by ‘Newscast’:

[v] ‘Owners of the means of provision’ – perhaps a modern day counterpart in a service-heavy economy v ‘owners of the means of productions’ in  a goods-producing-heavy economy; profit privatised for some, none-the-less?). ‽istis doubts whether this is an original phrase, more research needed, but may be a useful addition to and a modern counterpart to 'owners of the means of production'?

[vi] Is this the long term game plan, perchance?

Friday, 23 September 2022

Pistis wonders if (weekending September 24th 2022)


‽istis wonders if (weekending September 24th 2022)

This week ‽istis is preoccupied by just a few questions to ponder and,[i] wonder:

·        If over the past few years we have levelled up – can things still trickle down?

·        If we wish to live in a democracy – can we still have a monarchy?

·        If we favour fracking – would we want it near our house?

·        If there is a queue – should we make ways for some to get to the front?

·        If we further enrich the rich – will we somehow enrich everyone?

·        If there is a new Prime Minister and cabinet – is that a new government?

·        If there is more money in my pocket – is it alright to expect me to pay for more things directly: when I’m unwell, seeking education, cannot work, facing the bills, creating the profits that others are keeping?

·        Will a trickle be enough?

That’s all this week… and ‽istis seeks a few minutes in a darkened room…

© Pistis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Pistis wonders - and ponders 'crossing the bar' (weekending September 17th 2022)

istis wonders – and ponders ‘crossing the bar’ (weekending September 17th 2022)

This week, a week of ‘national mourning’ and when ‘paying respects’ are apparently being said and done by so many, istis has had much to ponder and wonder:

·        can a ‘nation’ mourn

o   is it one nation or four nations? can some speak for all? what if I don’t feel or think part of a nation? what if some aspects of this nation’s/these nations’ past or present embarrass or distress me and I feel guilt by association?

·        paying respects – what does one actually do…

o   turn up, be there, queue, take a selfie, not take a selfie, not protest, not mention those more seemingly problematic aspects of the past or present, not go to work (unless I have to go to work), forego my operation, change the date of a more-loved one’s funeral, leave Centre Parcs for the day, make a quick buck or make a respectable profit providing a needed service on merchandise or sandwiches or replica Paddington Bears or flowers or cellophane – acres of cellophane, or give to a food bank or not open a food bank, or watch the TV but not just any programme…?

And a poem that has become a song comes to mind and has been mentioned in a previous ponder and wonder blog[i]: ‘Crossing the Bar’ by Tennyson and, later, set to music by Rani Arbo and others – often described as a metaphorical meditation on death[ii]

 And istis has been thinking about all those who have crossed the bar this week:

·                   in the public gaze

·                   with opportunities denied

·                   by the hand of others

·                   surrounded by family

·                   having served to the end

·                   in great pain

·                   beaten to death

·                   in utter, lifelong privilege

·                   because of illness or disease preventable

·                   too soon

·                   with regrets

·                   in faith and hope

·                   left on the street, unburied

·                   cared for by strangers

·                   with hands held

·                   in confusion

·                   in poverty

·                   by their own hand

·                   with people filing past

·                   because of poverty

·                   by law enforcement, those tasked to protect

·                   in private

·                   still completely baffled 

·                   consumed by guilt

·                   convinced that there is more and better 

·                   in great indignity

·                   wealthy

·                   considering failure

·                   in love

·                   shot by an invading soldier

·                   calm and ready

·                   in flood waters or muddy deluge

·                   from hunger

·                   prepared

·                   not found

·                   full of regret

·                   after a good innings

·                   unexpectedly

·                   disbelieving

·                   waiting for family to arrive

·                   fulfilled

·                   in silence

·                   lost at sea

·                   in dread

·                   at the close of a well-spent life

·                   screaming

·                   loved

·                   alone

·                   recalling poetry

·                   singing

·                   with music playing

·                   at peace


 © istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] istis wonders and reclaims dying: July 2021:

[ii] References include:

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...