Thursday, 10 November 2022

Pistis ponders SPICES x 2 (weekending November 12th 2022)


‽istis ponders SPICES x 2 (weekending November 12th 2022)

This week,

·        when a UK report was read – considering ‘a catalogue of abuse and serious harm of some of the most vulnerable children in our society’ (‘Safeguarding Children with disabilities and complex health needs in residential settings’)[i]


·        wondering at Quaker approaches to life at a time of poignant family reflection,

‽istis champions acronyms and the ‘spices’ of life.

What might be a good way of thinking about the developmental needs of children, young people everywhere including those with additional needs and who ‘are too often marginalised, misrecognised, and hidden from public sight’ - so that we can ensure ‘they are well cared for and protected so that they can enjoy the inalienable right of every child to live in a safe environment where they can thrive and flourish’ (Intro to the report)

S: Social

P: Physical

I: Intellectual and Identity

C: Creative and cultural

E: Emotional

S: Spiritual[ii]

What might be a ‘good’[iii] way to live, for ourselves and perhaps, possibly, maybe not just us - everybody‽ The Quaker ‘Testimonies’ (a shared core set of beliefs) are presented in various forms but ‽istis particularly appreciates a version where the key words are defined by children and young people at The Quaker School, Horsham[iv]:

SIMPLICITY - Quakers believe that if we are always trying to get better things, we can forget to be good people. Sometimes acquiring a lot of fancy things, clothes, and toys can get in the way of doing our work.

PEACE - Quakers believe that war and violence do not solve disagreements. These things only make people suffer. Quakers try to settle all their arguments without using weapons or words to hurt others. Quakers believe that world peace begins with each of us. Children in Quaker schools are taught the skills of non-violent conflict resolution.

INTEGRITY - Integrity means being truthful and trying always to do a good job. It means saying what we mean and meaning what we say.

COMMUNITY - Quakers believe that it is important to be a good neighbour, helpful to people around us. Building community takes many forms, including having fun with each other.

EQUALITY - Quakers believe there is that of God in everyone. Everyone is created equal. This means everyone has the same human rights and should be treated fairly. It also means we should treat people the way we want to be treated (and ‘Egalitarian’ is the word sometimes used under this ‘E’)

STEWARDSHIP - To live with simplicity and integrity, we need to do a good job taking care of the things we own and use. This means taking good care of the earth. Quakers believe it is important leave the world a better place (and ‘Sustainability’ is the word sometimes used under this ‘S’).

And after silent consideration (both drawing on traditional Quaker practice[v] but also shocked in to it by the safeguarding report), ‽istis wonders whether perhaps, possibly, maybe one way to better promote and meet the SPICES of life for all children and young people’s lives - and indeed us all - is to embrace and pursue and achieve the Quaker testimonies‽ 

Or vice versa...‽ Though ‽istis decides to save further reflection on chickens and eggs (and maybe which come first) for another time…

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[ii] There may be various iterations - and references include:

[iii] Recognising that ‘good’ can be a very relative term…  but debating and developing some consensus about what this comprises seems a worthwhile activity, perhaps…

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