Friday, 31 March 2023

Pistis ponders a decision with enduring consequences (weekending April 1st 2023)

‽istis ponders a decision with enduring consequences (weekending April 1st 2023)

This weekending ‽istis has pondered many things and lots of stuff (including how helpful words like ‘things’ and ‘stuff’ are):

‽ Theories about the  origins of April Fools’ Day: beginning not with the BBC’s ‘Spaghetti Tree’[i] (1957) but perhaps with the Roman March equinox festival 'Hilaria', later perhaps becoming a renewal festival for Spring; later still in 16th century France the beginning of the New Year was originally observed on April 1st before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar[iii]; and then there's the question asked in the wonderfully-entitled publication ‘British Apollo or Curious Amusements for the Ingenious’ in 1708: “Whence proceeds the custom of making April Fools?”[ii]. So may the ingenious indeed be amused curiously again this year... 

Gender and genders: learning about cultures that recognise more than two genders[iv]

·        ‘On nearly every continent, and for all of recorded history, thriving cultures have recognized, revered, and integrated more than two genders.’[v]

·        Hijras in India, considered a third gender, criminalised in 1871 and with continuing opposition in the present despite Bangladesh, India and Nepal having recognised the rights of non-binary people by 2014

·        Fa’afafine and fa’afatama people of Samoa, regarded as a third and fourth gender

·        Calalai, calabai and bissu people of Indonesia, with the latter seemingly not least relating to people with a spiritual role as much as or alngside a gender role – bridging the worldly and the divine (people who are liminal?)

·        Sworn Virgins of the Balkans – an apparent response to patriarchal codes and laws from the 15th to the 20th centuries which stripped women of many rights, tolerated it seems following a vow of celibacy (sexual expression abandoned for basic rights?)

·        Muxe community of Mexico, with a public celebration each November in Juchitan, Oaxaca known as the Vigil of the Authentic Intrepid Searchers of Danger!

·        Two-spirit people of indigenous, first nation North Americans, a modern term but representing it seems ways of life dating back centuries, a person identifying as having both a masculine and feminine spirit. Also valued now for preserving the history of culture that was subject to violent cultural genocide

Maieutic processes, Plato and Socratic questions[vi] - with what ‽istis thinks is a fine example of contemporary relevance of the latter to be found at examples of questions to potentially:

·        clarify concepts

·        probe assumptions

·        explore rationale, reason and evidence

·        question viewpoints and perspectives

·        consider implications and consequences

·        even question the question

Weighty matters all perhaps, but this week there has been another major preoccupation: tattoos...

‽istis has learned about what are considered the most and least painful places on the body to have a tattoo[vii]; the professions that may be most or least likely to prefer tattooed employees[viii]; identity and cultural considerations, appreciations or appropriations; and many other aspects which you could explore for yourself should you so wish.

But some key questions remain for a bit more pondering and wondering in relation to tattooing, and perhaps so many other ‘things’ and ‘stuff’: should ‽istis go ahead? how might a decision be made? if yes, where? (though the what is sure and can only really be one ‘thing’ as far as ‽istis is concerned:), what might be the consequences beyond the likelihood of identity forever being rather more easily recognised and confirmed?  

So, perhaps, possibly, maybe watch this space (ouch!, not that space), more ink may be used in reporting further on the matter‽

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[iii] Ibid

Friday, 24 March 2023

Pistis ponders whether there is anything more important (weekending March 25th 2023)


‽istis ponders whether there is anything more important (weekending March 25th 2023)

This weekending ‽istis seems spoilt for choice – so much to ponder and wonder:

‽ comings and goings: the last show of a BBC R4 Saturday morning regular presenter[i]; a former Prime Minister of the UK in and out of gatherings that may or may not have been ‘parties’ or essential for work - breaking the law, rules, guidance and/or the trust of the British electorate[ii]?; the unusual very highs and very lows of Spring tides

‽ a potential missed opportunity?: The Holy Land and Us.[iii] ‽istis thought this a really important programme but also wondered how different it might have been:

·        if the two main presenters (Rob Rinder and Sarah Agha) and the families taking part in the programme had travelled together, in each others’ shoes;

·        if they had listened and talked and shared their stories, their thoughts and feelings – reflecting together before, during or after the journeys of discovery;

·        if a relative of one or more of the influential UK and UN ‘decision-makers’ had been involved, to provide another lens to view the events of the 1940s and consider the implications – then and now!;  

·        if the two programmes, produced as they were, had been followed by a third part with Sarah, Rob and the families talking together about the experience and the issues raised - past and present and, importantly, considering ‘now what’ for the future;

·        if the very format and process of the programme had tried to demonstrate that a better way forward founded in empathy and dialogue might somehow be possible - lest by not being part of the solution, we are all still part of the problem.

‽ a health uncertainty

‽ the implications of last week’s budget statement by the UK’s chancellor

‽ the fate of the ‘Windsor Framework’[iv] and whether ‘Brexit’ will ever actually be done

‽ celebrations for the turning of the Persian New Year, welcome 1402 

‽ and, lest we forget, this was also the 56th week since the start of Russia’s special military operation/war in Ukraine

But this week has also seen the publication of the draft Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)[v] which ‘summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, based on… peer-reviewed scientific, technical and socio-economic literature’.

The full, finalised report will be available soon but on the IPCC website currently there is the ‘longer version’, ‘Figures’, a ‘Summary for Policymakers’, ‘Headline Statements’, a ‘Press Release’ a ‘Presentation’[vi] and a ‘Synthesis Trailer’ film. So, no real excuse not to know about the issues and the analysis, the ‘state of the art’ - or should that be the state of the climate, or the state of humanity, or the state of all living things, or the state of the planet…‽

‽istis is working through the documents but makes no apology for picking out some bite-size nuggets from the ‘Headline Statements’[vii] that represent the ‘overarching conclusions of the approved Summary for Policymakers which, taken together, provide a concise narrative’ - for despite the many other things to ponder and wonder at (see above) perhaps, possibly, maybe there is no more important read or issue‽

·        ‘Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming’ (A.1)

·        ‘Global greenhouse gas emissions have continued to increase, with unequal historical and ongoing contributions arising from unsustainable energy use, land use and land-use change, lifestyle and patterns across regions, between and within countries and among individuals.’ (A.1)

·        ‘Human-caused climate change… has led to widespread adverse impacts and related losses and damages to nature and people.’ (A.2)

·        ‘Vulnerable communities who have historically contributed the least to current climate change are disproportionately affected’ (A.2)

·        ‘Current global financial flows for adaptation are insufficient for, and constrain implementation of, adaptation options, especially in developing countries.’ (A.3)

·        ‘’Continued greenhouse gas emissions will lead to increasing global warming…’ (B.1)

·        ‘Every increment of global warming will intensify multiple and concurrent hazards.’ (B.1)

·        ‘Deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would lead to a discernible slowdown in global warming within around two decades…’ (B.1)

·        ‘Climatic and non-climatic risks will increasingly interact, creating compound and cascading risks that are more complex and difficult to manage.’ (B.2)

·        ‘Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health.’ (C.1)

·        ‘There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.’ (C.1)

·        ‘Climate change development integrates adaptation and mitigation to advance sustainable development for all, and is enable by increased international cooperation including improved access to adequate financial resources, particularly for vulnerable regions, sectors and groups…[viii] (C.1)

    And ‽istis wonders whether perhaps here is a way forward for the over-developed, developed-at-others’-expense nations‽ Possibly a restorative, post-colonial, de-colonising agenda of reparation and restitution‽ The legacy of empires maybe redeemed through following recommendations emerging from empirical research

·        ‘Rapid and far-reaching transitions across all sectors and systems are necessary to achieve deep and sustained emissions reductions and secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.’ (C.3)

·        ‘Feasible, effective, and low-cost options for mitigation and adaptation are already available…’ (C.3)

·        ‘Adaptation outcomes are enhanced by increased support to regions and people with the highest vulnerability to climatic hazards.’ (C.5)

·        ‘Many options are available for reducing emission-intensive consumption, including through behavioural and lifestyle changes, with co-benefits for societal well-being.’ (C.5)

·        ‘Effective climate action is enabled by political commitment, well-aligned multilevel governance, institutional frameworks, laws, policies and strategies and enhanced access to finance and technology.’ (C.6)

These are the points that ‽istis is going to try to remember, to keep thinking about and to strive to find the best way to respond and behave[ix] under their bright, clear, and very stark light.[x]   

‘There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.’

So istis wonders again whether there is anything more important to ponder this week and each week…

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[ii] The privileges committee, perhaps apt for behaviour that possibly could be considered hubristic, maybe exuding a sense of exceptionalism or entitlement…‽

[viii] ‘Adaptation outcomes are enhanced by increased support to regions and people with the highest vulnerability to climatic hazards.’ C.5) 

[ix] ‘Many options are available for reducing emission-intensive consumption, including through behavioural and lifestyle changes, with co-benefits for societal well-being.’ (C.5)

[x] Perhaps, possibly, maybe the arguments behind which maybe we hide are shown up and challenged.  For example: ‘The science is contested’. ‘There have always been changes in the climate.’ ‘Technology will sort it out.’ ‘What about the nations that are currently the biggest polluters and want to keep mining coal.’ ‘Global warming - after the winter we have had, you must be joking.’ ‘It’s not my problem.’ ‘There is nothing that I can do.’

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Pistis wonders at bodies miraculous (weekending March 18th 2023)


‽istis wonders at bodies miraculous (weekending March 18th 2023)

This weekending as a seemingly ‘significant’ birthday approaches[i] and a conversation with health care staff is also had, ‽istis wonders at bodies miraculous: what is going on for most of us most of the time, and why more does not go wrong for most of us more often…

As is so often the case ‽istis’ wonderings and ponderings include some t’interweb searching. Dipping a toe into the open waters (perhaps sometimes shallow, possibly sometimes untested and unverified for quality, maybe sometimes dark, deep, dangerous and uncharted) of information that can be found a click or two away, at least in this part of the world.

Typing in ‘What is going on in your body every second?’ the hidden algorithms worked their magic, sending and receiving electrical messages, coursing virtual synapses? and these two – perhaps the fittest[ii] surviving – emerged:

1)     What goes on in your body – ‘mind-blowing facts’[iii] including:

Fact No. 1: Your gut is the only organ with its own independent nervous system. 

Fact No. 2: Your veins, capillaries and arteries would stretch for more than 60,000 miles if laid out flat.

Fact No. 3: You lose 200 million skin cells every hour, and these dead skin cells can actually decrease air pollution; etc. 


And while it was difficult to find out about the cost of care, diagnosis and treatment in Oklahoma[iv] from the source of this information, ‘Integris Health’, the following was noted: ‘Financial Assistance may be available to patients who do not qualify for state or federal assistance with the INTEGRIS Health Help.’

And perhaps it is a good job that more does not go wrong for more of us more often in some countries and under some health services and health funding systems. In a week when talks seems to be the oh so obvious way to potentially reach settlements in disputes with some of the UK’s most essential workers, ‽istis gives thanks for what seems such a precious mantra ‘free at the point of delivery’.  

2)     Your body, every second[v]: a curiously stark webpage with twelve ‘panes’ of rolling numbers accumulating over the time it is open, with a curious ‘quiz’ invitation to find the answer to the question: ‘Am I an Emo?’[vi], with curious ‘You might like’ clickable links to ‘Apple’ and ‘The Internet’. And while the spinning numbers whizzed ever upwards ‽istis did think more about what was going on inside our bodies, every second:

·        the number of skin cells shed

·        the mls of blood being pumped by the heart and filtered by the kidneys

·        the micrometers of hair growth, the milileters of saliva being produced

·        the numbers of red blood cells being produced, of white blood cells being produced

·        the number of neurons firing in the brain and the joules of energy the brain was usuign

·        the number of DNA mutations

·        the bits of visual data being received and processed

·        the number of heartbeats…

though ‽istis’ breath was held when the latter just stopped accumulating, stuck at 155 while the others continued – and then showed just 210 beats after the webpage had been opened for 9 minutes 50 seconds‽

With plenty more websites and references to intrigue and amaze, the weekending deadline left further explorations for another time.

Yet ‽istis wonder-ed… the system complexity; the beating drive and co-ordinated effort to sustain life; the capacity for resilience in stressed conditions; the unconscious-self-management adaptability; the so much taken for granted and undervalued (until perhaps faced with a loss of health or capacity); the precious sacredness of life and living things; the every second miracle.

And ‽istis pondered further – what just perhaps, possibly, maybe the potential impact if more of us remembered more of this more often, and valued and held up ourselves and each other as inherently sacred and precious‽

And ‽istis gives thanks for those who care…

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] One of those that has a nought at the end and one of those where gratitude and amazement is perhaps a more firring response than wild and wanton celebration!

[ii] Where ‘fittest’ is defined by ranking on a search engine with the well-resourced probably being those most likely to win out just about every time

[iv] A state that, it has been suggested, is: ‘gonna treat you great!

Gonna give you barley, carrots and pertaters,

Pasture fer the cattle, Spinach and Termayters!

Flowers on the prairie where the June bugs zoom,

Plen'y of air and plen'y of room,

Plen'y of room to swing a rope!

Plen'y of heart and plen'y of hope!’ (from lyrics on ‘Oklahoma’ thank you Messrs Rodgers and Hammerstein

[vi] ‽istis was not curious enough to follow the link, sorry…

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...