Friday, 10 March 2023

PIstis wonders at baking (weekending March 11th 2023)


‽istis wonders at baking (weekending March 11th 2023)

This week ‽istis has been warmed by the smell of baking:

·        an age old activity

·        a kind of vital alchemy

·        so much more than simple ingestion to simply stay alive

·        for family, for friends, for kindness, cordiality[i] and hospitality

·        for nurturance and sustenance

·        for impressing and for expressing

·        home-made or heavily industrialised for mass-market profitability[ii]

·        fancy and plain and everything in between

·        for a Hollywood handshake[iii], for an oh so droll scathing yet somehow charming and sought after put-down from Tom[iv] or imaginatively for a musical that we ‘never knew we kneaded’[v] complete with a soggy-bottomful of innuendos[vi]

And ‽istis ponders some of the places where baking is almost certainly underway today, right now:

·        in ‘Agas’[vii] and in domestic ovens perhaps with or without accompanying mixed domestic sagas: homely or sad or nurturing or abusive alike

·        in air fryers as possibly they rise to must-have status in the UK

·        in huge mechanised bakeries maybe with staff-to-machine ratios following the recipe of global trends

·        in local businesses, markets and home bakeries sometimes with missile, flood or earthquake warning sirens sounding - struggling to feed the bereaved, the grieving and aggrieved, the homeless and the barely-hanging on, as well as those who support and build and find and save and restore and heal - with korovai, kolach, paska and pampushka[viii], with taboon[ix] and mana’eesh[x], with matzo and challah[xi], with kisra[xii], with malooga and kubaneh[xiii], with pide ekmek and pamazan pidesi and on and on… and perhaps, possibly, maybe the ubiquity of both bread and tragedy, man-made or ‘natural’ alike, is proved

·        in makeshift ovens where little is permanent save for needs to be met and where the wait continues for scraps to fall from a carved out and exclusively occupied top table…

And ‽istis ponders on: about appetites; about obesity and malnutrition amongst adults and children, families and friends, hosts and guests alike across the globe. 
At the poles of social, economic and physical over-development and under-development we find: 

  • 1.9 billion adults overweight or obese 
  • 462 million adults underweight
  • 38.9 million children overweight or obese in 2020; 
  • 149 million children in 2020 under 5 estimated to be 'stunted' - too short for age, 45 million children 'wasted' - too thin for height[xiv].

And ‽istis cannot help but wonder at such a half-baked world we seemed to have served up.

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] which shares a potentially place of healing etymological root

[ii] References include: ‘NestlĂ© S.A. had sales of approximately 91.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, making them the leading snack and bakery product company in the World by a comfortable margin.’   ‘According to the Statista Consumer Market Outlook, the bread market in the United Kingdom generated a revue of approximately 6.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. The revenue generated by this market is estimated to increase to approximately 7.4 billion U.S. dollars by 2026.’

[iii] …now there’s a website

[vi] Is it just in English that the word innuendo somehow seems to be suggestive of an innuendo‽

[vii] Many other makes of oven are available

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