‽istis ponders plain-sight hiding‽ (weekending May 27th
This week ‽istis has had much to ponder:
‽ BBC ‘Verify’[i] to
fact-check, verify video, counter disinformation, analyse data and explain
complex stories. To perhaps, possibly, maybe help us to know what is and isn’t ‘true’
or even (as ‘next-generation’ developments in AI seem to dominate the news)
what is ‘real’.
‽ Side-hustles[ii]
and unheralded ‘minor skills’ (whistling and ironing for someone ‽istis
knows well!)
‽ Political parties in the UK: ‘Conservative’ – seeking to
conserve what? ‘Labour’ – working or not? ‘Liberal Democrat’ – just how
liberal? The ‘Green Party’ – why just one MP for the party that seems to
address most directly what is perhaps, possibly, maybe one of the most
significant and critical issues of the time[iii]? Plus, potential voting reform and proportional
representation. Plus, the possibility of a ‘progressive alliance’, advice for
voters, co-operation on fielding the candidate most likely to win in any area,
parties that might plan for a coalition aiming to be more progressive for many -
rather than retrogressive, status-quosive, conservative especially for a few…?
‽ Safeguarding and the Church of England with who knew
what, when and what did they do about it[iv]
being key current questions continuing to spill into this week’s news
‽ Jokes: as an ‘excruciating speech’ from someone ‘seeking
to be light-hearted’ apparently disrupts a ‘Crime Fest’[v]… and
‽istis thinks that if people can think or even say: ‘that’s no joke’, then (however
classic-joke-formularied it may be, and however many people may laugh) perhaps
it isn’t?
…and difficulty choosing what to focus on.
‽istis may return to some of these, but in the week that the death
of Rolf Harris is announced publicly[vi]
and a statue outside the BBC in London by Eric Gill is attacked yet again[vii],
‽istis ended up wondering whether art and creativity - and the life and
behaviour of an artist or creative - can be separated‽ Can we laud the work
whilst condemning the worker?[viii]
The article by Rachel Cooke from 2017 (cited in the endnote (viii)
) includes a variety of viewpoints but ‽istis wonders:
if we had known that, then – would work
have been commissioned?
would patronage been extended?
would publicity have been given?
would means, materials and opportunity have been
would the work have dried up?
would a living have been made?
would we have spoken up, rejected, ‘cancelled’, referred,
investigated, prosecuted, found guilty, imprisoned…?
And as the ‘hiding in plain sight’[ix] epithet is applied to Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville[x] these questions (above) seem critical - along with a link to last weekending’s blog[xi] when Pistis wondered where are the other voices‽
For where were the voices: of those who were uncomfortable with what they saw and heard, who suspected…? And especially where were the voices of those who experienced and endured…?
Could we have heard, could we have listened
Meanwhile, there are decisions to be made: what do we do now? Remove
the statues, sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographs, poems and novels; or
contextualise; or let them stand separate as ‘art’ in their own right?
More immediately and close to home, ‽istis wonders what to do with
the LP (of Rolf Harris’s comical songs, much-played in the past) and the memories
(of what the whole audience seemed to think was a fine evening’s entertainment
from Rolf and band a few years’ ago, of art and animal TV shows and ‘catchphrases’, of the sadness of ‘Two Little Boys’ and the laugher at ‘Jake the Peg’[xii])?
And, as ‽istis currently sorts through boxes of old teaching and
training material on the topic of safeguarding, there is another decision to be
made: what to do with that old VHS of artist, musician, creative and entertainer
‘Rolf’ (who ironically was not seen as a danger or a stranger in our homes and
lives) in information and education mode: raising awareness about stranger
danger, appropriate touch, good and bad feelings, safety and self-protection[xiii]…
Throw it away, destroy it, bury it in a box in the loft - or put
it out in plain sight – not hidden; a warning‽
NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and
past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t
necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’:
@Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...
[ii] Plenty
of ideas, websites and features come across, including: https://skintdad.co.uk/side-hustles/
[iii] See
previous blogs, viz: https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2021/07/pistis-feels-heat-weekending-july-31st.html
& https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2021/11/pistis-ponders-no-small-change.html
& https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2021/10/pistis-wonders-how-clear-and-present.html
& https://pistisrec.blogspot.com/2023/03/pistis-ponders-whether-there-is.html
[iv] Many
references including: https://www.secularism.org.uk/opinion/2023/05/hold-the-church-to-account-for-abuse-separate-it-from-the-state
[v] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/05/20/crime-fiction-festival-sexism-racism/
& https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/celebrity/excruciating-speech-at-fiction-festival-leads-to-claims-of-sexism-and-racism/ar-AA1bs0ou?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=b3b1c8dead524bc28050eabbcf2c5fb9&ei=18
The blog (above) has a link to this article by Rachel Cooke from 2017: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/apr/09/eric-gill-the-body-ditchling-exhibition-rachel-cooke
[ix] https://www.itv.com/watch/rolf-harris-hiding-in-plain-sight/10a3735?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7peEqbeS_wIVGuztCh1OSgKEEAAYASAAEgJMfvD_BwE
(Please note the warning accompanying this programme)
[x] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12115373/How-Rolf-Harris-appeared-Jimmy-Savile-episode-Jimll-Fix-1976.html
What was that extra leg all about…?