Sunday, 25 February 2024

‽istis re-ponders the pandemic (weekending February 17th 2024)


‽istis re-ponders the pandemic (weekending February 24th 2024)

This week ‽istis sat and got off and got on trains delayed, then replaced because of a mechanical fault, and then replaced with a bus due to flooding that scuppered (word chosen advisedly) the rail line, and then missed two connections and arrived much, much later than planned…

But there was also an unexpected conversation on the bus with another passenger travelling on a far longer journey home – and we remembered the pandemic and its accelerating and increasingly obvious and consequential arrival four years ago. We remembered when travel and these types of encounters and chats were banned and perhaps only a law-breaking, deviant, hubristic, exceptionalist, entitled minority partied.

How recently and yet how far ago it perhaps seems? ‘Normal’ has possibly re-established itself and maybe it looks very much like it used to?

And we pondered what had been affected then - including travel and work - by more or less necessary measures taken as people, families, communities and the ship of state navigated relatively uncharted waters – in the same storm but in various boats – more or less seaworthy. And we wondered at personal tragedy and loss, fear, unintended consequences and even unexpected silver linings – and whether on balance it had been for good or ill, how, why and for whom…

·         Education – and all that it can potentially bring and support and promise and provide foundations for - utterly disrupted for so many children and young people?

·         Social interaction - thwarted, mental wellbeing affected?

·         The arts - decimated?

·         Livelihoods – supported for some through furlough, uninterrupted but over-run and over-stretched and over-stressed for others, lost at such a cost for others still?

·         Businesses - some floundered or sunk, some hanging on, some thriving, some exploiting?

·         Military activity, conflict and death rates down perhaps – though the new/old normal situation in various hotspots have perhaps more than made up for that now?

·         Skies quietened, greenhouse gas and Co2 emissions reduced possibly – though the new/old normal still means that a record for global warming has been broken[i] with temperatures exceeding 1.5C across an entire year for the first time.

·         Some habitats - regenerated?

·         Finite resources - used perhaps so often for very finite and non-essential things – used up less quickly?

·         Endangered species - afforded a little respite, reprieve and a chance to replenish?

For good or ill? Is there a calculation to be made? Surely not for those whose lives were lost, the ‘excess deaths’, each one a person. Surely not for the bereaved and the grieving. Surely not for the long-suffering, the still-suffering.

And ‽istis wonders what has been learned or re-thought[ii] from that time - which seems both somehow so recent and somehow so far ago - when for a moment we wondered how different things could or might have to be‽

A good encounter, a good discussion and, eventually, our separate journeys continued with us perhaps, possibly, maybe still pondering and wondering…


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter with replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders.

X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...