Friday, 29 March 2024

‽istis wonders what is stopping you‽ (weekending March 30th 2024)


‽istis wonders what is stopping you‽  (weekending March 30th 2024)

This weekending ‽istis has been chasing a phrase, haring about not unlike participants in an Easter egg hunt in a field or garden with too many hiding places, or maybe like a writer desperately seeking an original simile[i]   and that phrase is: what is stopping you?

More than usually disparate topics, news and 'stuff' from the week - and related ponderings and wonderings - can perhaps be herded together like a flock shepherded by the winning team at a County Fair, or find shelter together under a necessary ‘late March in the UK’ umbrella…  enough!

So, some stoppings and not stoppings noticed this week:

‽ What didn’t stop the Rector of Liverpool resigning citing the "institutional validation of homophobic and misogynistic views in the Church" - and the "obvious and lamentable failure of safeguarding across the Church," which Rev Canon Dr Crispin Pailing described as "itself an abuse and a further assault on the image of God." And what stops others from following suit?[ii]

‽ What stops other bridges in major waterways from collapsing when struck by ships out of control?[iii]

‽ What stopped the fleeting thought become a reality: that new wellies (wellington boots) worn with a tutu might start a major fashion trend and turn heads on a walk with the dog – and why might certain high-profile ‘fashionistas’ potentially be able to carry it off with Style(s)[iv] and panache?   

‽ What didn’t stop terrorists (apparently from the Islamic State group in Khorassan) kill 140 people at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow?[v]

‽ What didn’t stop the parents of Finlay Boden - those with the primary and fundamental caring responsibility - from abusing (apparently inflicting ‘130 injuries on their baby boy, including 57 breaks to his bones, 71 bruises and two burns – one of which is believed to have been caused by a cigarette lighter’) and killing their 10 month old child who was ‘completely dependent on their parents for all aspects of their care.’ [vi]

‽ What stopped and then didn’t stop the UN Security Council passing “a long-awaited resolution on Gaza demanding an immediate ceasefire and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages” Antonio Guterres.[vii]  And what is stopping peace in the so-called ‘holy land’ this Easter? And that may be a very big question to ponder this weekend…

‽ What, if anything, in a suggested stepped process of thinking stuff through, may have helped someone decide to carry on in a job or not (for it is from this situation that the ‘to stop or not' theme first emerged)?

And this week, while pondering papers and digital files from past work, there was a reminder of a model developed by David Finkelhor[viii] in relation to offending behaviour (including offences against children and young people) that seems potentially helpful for prevention, practice, planning, policy and indeed therapeutic work.  Finkelhor proposed that four ‘conditions’ need to be in place or barriers overcome for an offence to occur: a motivation to offend; the overcoming of internal inhibitions; the overcoming of external barriers; the overcoming of ‘victim’ resistance.

And ‽istis thinks that perhaps, possibly, maybe there is something in the middle two conditions especially (internal barriers and external barriers[ix]) that could help us think much more generally about:

·         why things are done or not done, occur or not - even the ‘stoppings’ and ‘not stoppings’ pondered this week

·         why possibly some people do and some people don’t do something

·         about why you do or don’t do something

·         about why I do or don’t do something…   

…now where are those wellies‽


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter with replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders.

X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] And what a splendid internet rabbit hole opened up, not least taking a reader to ‘The Paris Review’ and an article on literary similes:

[iii] Many references to the collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore, including:

[iv] With apologies to the much referenced Harry Styles. Hoping that a link to the webpage will offer some consolation:

[v] Many references, but here is what seems to be an interesting source:

[ix] And maybe in Derbyshire the imagery could be of dry-stone walls that bar or block, and of stiles that enable barriers to be overcome… What dry-stone walls can be put in place that may serve as external inhibitors? The report published this week has 11 recommendations for practice, policy, procedure, services and resources:

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

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