Reclaims the Emergency Services (weekending August 10th 2019)
‽istis sat and sung the praises of
the emergency services and responders who tragically had to recover a body but
rescued others from the sea off Clacton and just perhaps, possibly, maybe…
‽ helped
save a Derbyshire town from having to change its name from Whaley to Wailing Bridge
‽ prevented
an attack on another - by stopping a van and stopping a machete
‽ fulfilled their duties despite perhaps
feeling like a pawn (or apparently 20,000 pledged pawns) being moved around a
political chessboard when a strategic, holistic, carefully-considered, evidenced-based
review of the resources needed to protect
life and property, preserve order, prevent the commission of offences and bring
offenders to justice might be a better plan
‽ did a more than decent job with
integrity, good faith and compassion despite the hazards of sometime
individual, institutional or systemic problems, the challenge of finite
resources and public opprobrium.
How different the world
would be if, for better or for worse, the ‘thin line’ was drawn more thickly or
in a different place?© Pistis