Friday, 9 August 2019

Pistis reclaims Humility and Caution (weekending August 3rd 2019)

istis reclaims Humility and Caution - (weekending August 3rd 2019)

istis sat and pondered how different the world might be if just* perhaps, possibly, maybe integrity, humility and caution were a little more common and naked enthusiasm and hubris were a little less obvious…

if perhaps public figures said what they meant (‘Brexit means…’ more than the repetition of a possibly contrived noun in a soundbite to shame an undressed Emperor) - and meant what they said undisguised by the aphorisms of a ‘dead language’, bluster, distraction, answering a different question altogether or living and thriving clichés and mantras     

if possibly 52:48 was recognised as a small majority of those who voted rather than ‘the country chose…’

maybe experts (including those with expertise from experience) were indeed valued, and if ‘evidence-based’ (with methodology scrutinised rigorously and due caution applied if reliability and validity can be questioned) was a more significant driver in policy-making - for if expertise and evidence don’t matter what else provides the foundation for policy?

if competence and confidence were balanced so that effectiveness was maximised

if ‘sorry’ was not the hardest word; if the mindset revealed by comments that offend was perhaps open to internal reflection and reconsideration and not so much batted away with a ‘taken out of context’

…then what else might be different in public discourse, in policy and practice and in the outcomes for us all?

PS: just*: a million-to-one chance?

© Pistis

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

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