‽istis reclaims ‘kind’ (weekending February 22nd
‽istis - deeply troubled and upset like so many at the terribly, terribly tragic experience of one person in the public gaze and wondering about the 6,507 whose lives and experiences are hidden in, or by, the latest raw statistics[i] – pondered kindness and ‘kind’…
‽ perhaps ‘In a world where you can be
anything, be kind’[ii]
might adorn the hall of every school, the doorway to every classroom and be the
message nurtured in every home – delivered in word and deed; a powerful legacy,
if no real consolation or compensation
‽ possibly, one day, worth and value might be
measured, given and received not so much in cash but in kind
maybe, just maybe ‘my kind’ or ‘our
kind’ could be humankind - and ‘us’ and ‘them’ meld in an all-embracing, compassionate[iii],
larger ‘us’
And when an ‘act of God’ might have to be the entry on an insurance claim for a blown down wall between Calexico and Mexicali[iv], then perhaps, possibly, maybe it would be better to build bridges than walls?
‘Be kind, be kind, be kind…’[v] just imagine how different the world could be.
© Pistis
[i] https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/suicidesintheunitedkingdom/2018registrations