Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Pistis reclaims 'Earth Day' (weekending April 24th 2021)

‽istis reclaims Earth Day (weekending April 24th 2021)

This week ‽istis imagined and wondered:

·        Taking off (with or without a vaccine passport) and rising gently above the earth

·        Over the ‘zero’ places on the ground

o   the named, the well-known: 9/11 (for there it is indeed named); Auschwitz; Hiroshima… and ‽istis realises that perhaps names and dates tell us perhaps more about ourselves, our perception, our preoccupations, our priorities and biases, our position, our place…

o   the many, many less well-known stretching back in time and no doubt you can name and list your own - past and present…

o   those without specific place other than the ‘zero’ void in hearts, minds and the souls of individuals, families, groups, communities, people…

And as ‽istis rises higher and higher: the sounds perhaps fade; the crying and the laughter, both – can no longer be heard; the actions of hate and love, both – can possibly no longer be seen; the scars across and deep within the earth – may fade; the comings and goings of all that lives and moves and has being (flowing with motivation, purpose, agency and destination; or just random; or just following some yet-to-be-found guiding principles…) – perhaps become more and more indistinguishable; and class and status and race and nationality and sex and gender and age and ability and achievement and morality – the identified characteristics that seem to drive the differentiating of the differentiated and the differentiators – possibly or impossibly seem to vanish…

And the Earth was, still.

And, meanwhile, ‘Earth Day 2021’ began and ‽istis powered up the laptop (and paused to wonder at the source, the means of production, and the uses and abuses of power) and clicked on the Earth Day website: https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2021/

Several ‘quizzes’ later (https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-quizzes/ ) , ‽istis had learnt, among other things, that research suggests:

·        100 elephants a day are killed for their tusks to fuel the illegal ivory trade (‘Protect Our Species Quiz’)

·        The ice sheets are declining, glaciers are in retreat globally, and our oceans are more acidic than ever; Surface temperatures are setting new heat records about each year; More extreme weather like droughts, heat waves, and hurricanes; Global sea levels are rising at an alarmingly fast rate — 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century alone and going higher….and the majority of scientists agree that all associated with climate change (‘Climate Change Quiz’)

·        Deforestation is the second leading cause of global warming in the world. (‘Deforestation and Biodiversity Quiz’)

·        Only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater, but over half of that freshwater is locked away in glaciers and ice caps. The water that supports most life on Earth makes up only 1.2% of Earth’s freshwater or about 0.03% of the Earth’s total water! (‘Oceans and Plastic Pollution Quiz’)

·        On Earth Day 2016, 174 countries and the European Union signed the Paris Agreement at the opening ceremony at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Conference of Parties (COP) is an international political response to climate change which began in 1992. COP21, also known as the Paris Climate Conference, brought parties together to achieve a universal goal on climate: keeping global warming below 2° C. (‘Environmental Literacy Quiz’)

And ‽istis was encouraged to ‘support EARTHDAY.ORG for a better April 22 each year’… 

Heading back to earth and perhaps down and down to that which seems to connect[i] ‽istis wondered whether (perhaps, possibly, maybe) a greater realisation of that which we share and that which unites us more than divides us - above and around and deep within - might just make a difference on each April 22nd and all the other days‽

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

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