Saturday, 1 May 2021

Pistis reclaims inference and many kinds of ...duction (weekending May 1st 2021)


‽istis reclaims inference and many kinds of …duction (weekending May 1st 2021)

This week when: in the UK the on-going issue of the personal, professional and political integrity of the Prime Minister seems to be under a spotlight (or should that be under tasteful interior designer lighting) again; in Russia the integrity of the system of government and its leadership is seemingly challenged again from the precariousness of a courtroom; in the US the integrity of the office of the President seems perhaps somewhat restored in a speech to Congress; in India earlier decisions and seeming triumphalism about tackling the pandemic are questioned and the evidence of the impact is devastating …   (and you may add your own examples from wherever you may be, including perhaps from within our own, far less scrutinised lives)…     

‽istis wonders about inference and various ‘…ductions’ (an intro-duction to some not very well formulated thoughts, perhaps?)

Three types of inference perhaps dominate the discussion and the definitions – all prefixing …duction from the Latin: ‘ducere’ - to lead:

·        De-/lead from: deduction deriving from generally accepted statements or ‘facts’ - from idea to observation to ‘evidence’, and inference…

·        In-/lead to: induction leading to a generalisation - from observation to idea, and inference…

·        Ab-/lead away: taking away the best explanation - extension from ‘evidence’ to further probable conclusion, and inference…

And ‽istis wonders whether inferences and how they are formed; how they link to other apparent things such as heuristics, maxims and principles; and what they may lead to on a personal, interpersonal, social, political and cultural level in terms of behaviour, practice and policy – and the related outcomes - might bear and perhaps require some greater scrutiny and light?

Meanwhile another train of thought begins to pick up steam – wonderings about other …ductions and ways to lead or perhaps mislead:

‽ pro-duction (the means or the art?)

‽ re-duction (the specific sale or the general diminishment?)

‽ con-duction (the orchestration and the management - or the dissipation of, for example, heat?)

‽ e-ducation (not enough, not available, lost or inequitably distributed - leading to apparent errors and typos?)

‽ no-duction (agreement and nodding through without scrutiny?)

‽ quo-duction (going along with things, like ‘everyone else’ or to maintain things as they are – by those who are favoured, or those who think they benefit, or those just do not have the energy for change, or those who perhaps just can’t be bothered?)

‽ se-duction (wooed, beguiled or tricked into go along with?)

‽ alco/wee-duction (led whilst under the influence?)

‽ oo-duction (basing one’s life on the ways of the Ood, or being enslaved and led - see ‘Dr Who’: ‘A hive-minded, peaceful race of alien telepaths, who due to their docile nature are often farmed and enslaved by humans.’ ?[i]) – or should that be ou-duction (basing one’s life on ideas formed while meditating to the sound of an oud being played?)

‽ Te-duction (following the apparent lessons from inspirational TED talks?[ii])

…and then it was time to take ‽istis’s dog for a walk, or perhaps, possibly, maybe it was time to be taken for a walk by ‽istis’s dog? Now where is that lead…?  

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 


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