Saturday, 31 July 2021

Pistis feels the heat (weekending July 31st 2021)


‽istis feels the heat… (weekending July 31st 2021)

In a week when the work of the UK’s Climate Change Committee[i] leads to headlines that cut through alongside:

·        the 2020 (sic) Olympics,

·        empty supermarket shelves,

·        Covid-19 latest stats (but perhaps, sadly, not necessarily the stories behind those figures - of the people and families and health and social care professionals, researchers and essential keyworkers who continue to work so hard for us all)

·        the apparent boost to the RNLI’s (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) income[ii] following comments by a past politician/more recent TV presenter (who has perhaps alighted on the possibly sinking ship of a fledgling TV News channel)

…‽istis feels the heat.

Exploring the website and published reports of the Climate Change Committee (the UK’s adviser on tackling climate change - an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008, whose ‘…purpose is to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions targets and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change’) ‽istis has been absorbed in the research, shocked anew by the findings and deeply, deeply troubled by what on earth seems to be happening!

‽ the Research to review and update indicators of climate-related risks and actions in England [iii] focuses on 9 indicators of climate-related risk and an assessment of related actions, that may be of benefit to the built environment, infrastructure, the natural environment, people and health, business. In classic risk assessment style, it sets out i) the ‘state of the art’: trends in risk factors (hazard, vulnerability and exposure) and, ii) mitigation: trends in adaptation action (input and output) and impacts. And the reader is taken into the world behind the headlines: the rate of development of properties in areas at risk of flooding; the area of impermeable surface in urban areas; the area under vine and the volume of wines produced; the change in the total hedgerow length, etc…  and the devil seems to lurk in the detail!

‽ and then there’s the Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk[iv] setting out the priority climate change risks and opportunities for the UK and the linked website: hosts all the resource material. And what stood out for ‽istis?:

·        the identification of more than 60 areas of risk and opportunity relating to the natural environment, health, homes, infrastructure upon which we rely, the economy (that’s pretty much the fundamentals of life?)

·        that the gap between the level of risk we face and the level of adaptation underway has widened – that the adaptation action has failed to keep pace with the worsening reality of climate risk (that’s pretty much the two sides of a failing risk assessment and management process?)

·        the UK has the capacity and resources to respond effectively but it has not done so yet (we could, but we haven’t)

·        action now will be cheaper than waiting to deal with the consequences; the Government must lead that action (it will only cost more the longer we leave it)

·        urgent attention is needed in the next two years in relation to 8 risk areas – and they seem worth citing in full as they are potentially so fundamental to the wellbeing and security of us all:

§  risks to the viability and diversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats and species - from multiple hazards

§  risks to soil health - from increased flooding

§  risks to natural carbon stores and sequestration - from multiple hazards - leading to increased emissions

§  risks to crops, livestock and commercial trees - from multiple hazards

§  risks to supply of food, goods and vital services due to climate-related collapse of supply chains and distribution networks

§  risks to people and the economy - from climate-related failure of the power system

§  risks to human health, wellbeing and productivity - from increased exposure to heat in homes and other buildings

§  multiple risks to the UK - from climate change impacts overseas

Multiple hazards. Risks to supply of food, goods and vital supplies with the collapse of supply chains and distribution networks.  Risks to human health and wellbeing. Two years. Urgent attention. Adaptation action has failed to keep pace with the worsening reality of climate risk. ‘We can act to help manage these risks but we must act now.’

And for those of us who may only have 3’17” of time or attention and like information in animated, picture form (say at a Cabinet meeting?), well there’s a film that spells it out

And so, ‽istis wonders whether:

‽ pondering on is perhaps something of a luxury

‽ putting off a decision to act now is possibly indeed to make a decision

‽ whilst there may be an important link between a clear understanding of the problem and its causes (problem locus) e.g: human made or not (and again there is the danger of putting off action while the debate rumbles on - if only on the airwaves of the BBC seeking to line up a binary balance on an uneven seesaw of evidence, perhaps - is indeed a decision) and solution focus - many solutions are proposed and perhaps could help, whatever the cause; 

‽ attempts to apportion responsibility and blame may simply distract

‽ science and tech solutions, geo-engineering (e.g: the scaling up of carbon extraction technology) may save us (and the thank-goodness-for-the vaccine-as-Messiah response to Covid-19 has potentially strengthened this view?) but can we be sure…? and what if they can’t? and what if it is too late by the time we find out the answer to those questions…?

‽ the turning point perhaps only comes when minds meet hearts (this is affecting me and mine, here and now); when profits meet losses; when it is more expensive not to act; when the danger is clear and present; when we cannot not

But again, what happens when perhaps we realise all that too late?

In risk assessment it is probably worth remembering that low probability events nevertheless sometime happen; is it worth a gamble? As the weight of evidence mounts, then to forget that high probability events are likely to happen is perhaps, possibly, maybe beyond reckless…   

Multiple hazards. Risks to supply of food, goods and vital supplies with the collapse of supply chains and distribution networks.  Risks to human health and wellbeing. Two years. Urgent attention. Adaptation action has failed to keep pace with the worsening reality of climate risk. ‘We can act to help manage these risks but we must act now.’ Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk

But if we believe that where there is a will, there is a way - then what else might be different for us, for our children, for this ‘Pale Blue Dot’ imagined by Carl Sagan[v] and seen in recent weeks from, perhaps, a new perspective by Branson and Bezos (floating momentarily on the profits of a host of other people's work):

‘That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.’

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 



 [iii] Published June 2021

[iv] Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk - Climate Change Committee (



Friday, 23 July 2021

Pistis reclaims dying (weekending July 24th 2021)


‽istis wonders and reclaims dying… (weekending July 24th 2021)

This week, sitting with someone in something of a liminal space, some may call it the Departure Lounge, somewhere between then and now and the not yet, ‽istis wonders about ‘endings’; living and dying; control, choice, living wills, willing not to live;  the apparent inevitability of death when ‘life’ is defined perhaps along the lines of: a sexually transmitted condition that always proves fatal.[i]  

And at a pause in the watching and waiting, the small rise and fall with each breath; after the quiet singing of ‘Crossing the Bar’ (with thanks to Tennyson and Rani Arbo[ii]), the conclusions are personal, not to be imposed, promoted or expected of or for others – but (from the person behind the nom de plume, behind the character ‘‽istis’) here then is the state of the art; the ideas and phrases that currently and continue to reside:

‽ the personal importance of striving to be able to attain the epitaph: ‘who closed a well-spent life’ and to have done a reasonable job of answering well the question: ‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’[iii]

‽ if it is never a question of whether, but always of when and where and how – then as much choice as possible please would be a consummation devoutly to be wished[iv]

‽ that loss of mental capacity, memory and sense of self seems a potential personal watershed

‽ that preparation and putting affairs in order seems ideal (if only to minimize the complexities and decisions for those who may remain)

‽ that minimising pain and psychological distress, being ‘at ease’ - is definitely preferable

‽ with those who are loved and have loved

And so, ‽istis – personally - would like:

·        the foresight (and luxury given the common 'not knowing the day or the hour') and foretime to get things organised, to say goodbyes and thankyous; to say I love yous, and sorrys; to pass on any possible words of wisdom and every best wish imaginable - and to say thankyous and I love yous again…

·        the means to ‘call it a day’ (and a supportive legislative framework with sufficient safeguards to protect against misuse, abuse, coercion direct or indirect[v]) personally before mental capacity is lost and preferably when physical capacity means that the involvement of others is avoided[vi]; at a place and time of my choosing

And if we lived in a world where something like this perhaps, possibly, maybe could indeed be – then what else might be different?, how might we not only choose and be able to die, but choose and be able to live?[vii]

R.I.P. and R.I.G. 

And may the more, the better and the expected reunion, when the bar is crost[viii], indeed be waiting; we love you; thank you…

(NB: this is very much a personal position and the complexity of the moral, ethical, social, political, personal and other issues; the potential hazards and dangers that could be raised and realised for many - are certainly not underestimated. For debate...?) 

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

[i] After RD Laing, Neil Gaiman and others?

[ii] Many fine recordings available, it seems: Rani Arbo, of course ( , but also The Spooky Men’s Chorale in Ely Cathedral’s Lady Chapel, a personal favourite (

[iv] After Hamlet, Act III, scene I. William Shakespeare.

[v] Critical and oh so difficult – but where there is a will, might there be a way?

[vi] There seems to be a debate and this link to Humanists UK perhaps provides a springboard?

[vii] …recognising that for so many the experiences of life and death can be so difficult; so out of control; so oppressed and coerced; so taken and diminished by others, by social and political conditions, etc…   

Friday, 16 July 2021

Pistis wonders: taking the 'double knee' (weekending July 17th 2021)


‽istis wonders: taking the ‘double-knee’… (weekending July 17th 2021)

This week ‽istis wonders about gestures and whether it might perhaps be time to propose a new one or at least possibly bring new meaning to an old gesture that may just need reclaiming?

So, with personal reflection on a trilogy of aspects of personality/agency/functioning - affect, cognition and behaviour...

feelings of guilt by association, identity, reference group - and a power-ful beneficial legacy; of shame; of complicity[i]; of contrition; of apology; of penitence…  

thoughts informed by continued increasing awareness[ii] and considering the influence of (and power behind) received, taught, absorbed, institutionalised, systemic and systematised and perhaps hegemonic ‘wisdom’, ‘history’ (v histories?), ‘worldview’, morality…  

behaviour when gestures and other related action could perhaps make a difference

…‽istis suggests for some: ‘taking the double knee’. 

·        Two knees on the ground most definitely not on the neck of another person (although, this week quite possibly kneeling in Dutch, German, French or Belgium flood water[iii] or on the partially surveyed grounds of Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada[iv]

·        Head bowed

·        After the apologies (however long that might take), silence; without opinion, (especially one masquerading as a universal truth); without any type of ‘splaining’; without excuse

·        Listening to the sound of new-found other, othered, minoritised or silenced voices speaking of experiences to which they bear witness over decades and centuries; the sound of current stories; the sound of fears for the future; the sound of weeping; the sound of resilience and solidarity; the sound of solutions

·        Hoping for forgiveness

·        For as long as it takes

Well, that could be a start…?

Leaders of relevant, over-developed/under-developing/developing-at-the-expense-of-others, the imperial and hegemonic nations; representatives of relevant organisations and institutions (temporal and spiritual) - might show the way before ceding power and capital in its many potential forms[v].  

In a world where ‘how I live’ seems complexly connected across space and time to how you and others have died or live right now, then groups and individuals (the privileged, the beneficiaries, the majoritised, the non-othered) might join in - kneeling alone or together…   

And then, from that position of penitence, let the work of reparation and restoration begin and just perhaps, possibly, maybe the balance could tip more towards a common level…

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

[i] Hmmm, is complicity a feeling? For discussion…

[ii] ‘Conscientization’/’waking’ more than ‘woke’ (which perhaps seems to imply ‘job done’ / event more than perhaps a necessarily on-going processes / destination more than possibly a journey…

Friday, 9 July 2021

Pistis wonders: tipping-points (weekending July 10th 2021)


‽istis wonders and tries to reclaim: tipping points… (weekending July 10th 2021)

This week ‽istis wonders about ‘tipping points’ and seeks possible insights, hints and tips from some of the events of the week, just some of which might ‘make history’…

‽ tennis matches and football: tipping-points influenced perhaps by the oh so slight edge gradually prevailing in tight matches wrought through the intricate coming together of innate skill, training, fitness, tactics, competence, confidence, experience, pride, the home advantage, the loudness of the crowd, expectations, good fortune, serendipity, the perception of referee or umpire or VAR or ‘Hawkeye’…

‽ the fate of a small town in British Colombia[i]: tipping-points influenced possibly by the dreadful example that leads to thoughts such as: ‘if it could happen here, it could happen anywhere and to anybody - even people like me and places like mine’; ‘perhaps, actually, we have been and still are responsible?’; ‘possibly we can/cannot not do something about it?’; ‘maybe it’s not too late?’…

‽ the R-rate, spread and impact of a virus in Indonesia[ii]: tipping-points influenced maybe by the recognition/lack of recognition that no-one is safe until everyone is safe; by health infrastructure local, national and global; by social conditions…

‽ the leadership, government and future of people in Haiti[iii] and Afghanistan[iv]: tipping-points influenced perhaps by political and models-of-government ideologies; the flexing of international muscles in the exercise of regional interests; religion (and the rise/fall of capitalism?); poverty and the legacy of empires…

‽ the irreversibility of a decision linked to data and dates (though not necessarily in that order)[v]: tipping-points influenced possibly by the science, the evidence; perhaps by the polling and focus-group findings or the trajectory of kites flown in the media; maybe by transparent well-considered, finely-balanced but reasoned, reasonable and defendable cost-benefit analysis and decision-making recognising the complexities of different and maybe irreconcilable ways of defining health and wellbeing, where ‘who do we not save?’ is a realistic (a no-less-chilling) question…  

And, once again, ‽istis’ wonderings this week are in danger of ending more in flight, faint or freeze – than in foundations firm enough to support the fight to tip the balance away from just imagining that things could be different and better, to finding ways to actually bring it about…

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

[ii] See, for example: (and Pistis wonders whether the situation says anything about the ‘grace of God’? "With cooperation from all of us and the grace of God, I'm certain that we can suppress COVID-19 transmission and restore people's lives quickly," said the president…’

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Pistis reclaims 'now' and 'here' (weekending July 3rd 2021)


‽istis reclaims ‘now’ and ‘here’ (weekending July 3rd 2021)

This week, and for reasons that at the moment seem elusive, ‽istis is pondering ‘now’ and ‘here’ – the intention and meaning of a moment in time and space… Perhaps utterly transient, possibly utterly situated but maybe the micro building blocks – the moment and place where the ingredients of histories within ‘history’ are mixed and the foundations for futures within the ‘future’ are laid?

What might be the impact of thinking, feeling and acting that:

‽ time may be slowed or stilled in to now, and now, and nows…?

‽ place may be stationary to here, and here, and heres…?

‽ process may be a series of events…?

‽ the way to tackle anything (including perhaps the eating of an elephant[i]) may be  indeed one bite at a time?

‽ recalled and recorded memory and anticipation may be the only other, thens and theres?

‽ antecedents and consequences may be beyond our control?

Imagine, if you will, what might be different – here, now and in the future? For just perhaps, possibly, maybe it is in these everybody’s moments and everybody’s places alone that the outcome of the game, the future of a relationship, the completion of a task, the preservation of a planet, the building of the future can be done…‽

© Pistis                                                                                                                        

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog
entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders 

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...