Saturday, 27 August 2022

Pistis wonders: needs - why not? (weekending August 27th 2022)


‽istis wonders: needs - why not? (weekending August 27th 2022)

istis acknowledges a level of paucity of economic expertise and generally assumes that ‘most things are more complicated than that’, yet wonders:

·        why perhaps might we not be clear about what are public goods and public essentials – what are ‘needs’? A starter for ten[i]: e.g:

o   physical and mental health, social care and well-being services from before the cradle to the grave

o   life-long education, training and development

o   non-individualised transport

o   heating, lighting and power

o   water treatment and management

o   policing and justice

o   international aid and development of other countries (perhaps not least those we might now consider were under-developed, exploited, even robbed by us to make ‘great Britain’ – OK, I’ve said it!)

o   defence (defined clearly in a way that perhaps does not serve as a euphemism for offence…) including promoting and funding international peacekeeping

§  please add your own... and let a debate about ‘needs’ v ‘wants’ begin…

·        why might we possibly not expect that all these industries and service companies pay an inflation-linked living wage so that no-one working for them needs to receive benefits?

·        why might we maybe not have expectations/requirements in relation to what happens to any income over cost for these ‘need-meeting’ services and industries? E.g:

o   it is not available for ‘private’ profit (yes, alright then, ‽istis imagines that there is likely to be the need for another debate about what ‘private’ actually means, if only to close any loop-holes through which money is pulled for the enrichment of sometimes out-of-sight individuals, some funding/receiving behind those infamous ‘hedges’…)

o   pay differentials that reflect a recognition that perhaps all companies and organisations require workers throughout all areas and types of work in a mutually co-dependent organisational structure

o   no pay gap associated with equality legislation protected characteristics

o   no disproportionate pay/benefits/total emoluments or bonuses not linked to well-defined and reasonable key performance indicators for everyone

o   an expected % for research and development, for training and skill development, for impact evaluation, for efficiency management; and with costs or charges reflecting this, transparently

o   an expected % for climate crisis mitigation/reversal; and with costs or charges reflecting this, transparently

o   an expected % for infrastructural upgrades, sustainability and ‘future proofing’ against hard times and the ‘unforeseen’/’who could have known’/ ‘a one in a hundred years’ event’; and with costs or charges reflecting this, transparently.

And perhaps the cries go up: Naïve! Ridiculous!! Counter-productive!!! Unworkable!!!! Socialist!!!!! Communist!!!!!! Just wrong!!!!!!! [ii]

Yet, and yet “we are where we are”…

…that seems to be working well‽

© Pistis  


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  


[i] As Amol Rajan may soon say… (accessed this week)

[ii] And yes, you are right, ‽istis did not study ‘Philosophy, Politics and Economics’ at Oxford or any other university.

‘PPE was born of the conviction that study of the great modern works of economic, social, political and philosophical thought would have a transformative effect on students’ intellectual lives, and thereby on society at large.’ (accessed this week)

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Pistis ponders the sorting hat (weekending August 20th 2022)


‽istis ponders the sorting hat (weekending August 20th 2022)

As A level, T level and BTec. results come out in the UK, istis ponders:

·        intelligence

·        achievement and effort

·        assessment and certification

·        grading – inflated and deflated

·        doors present or absent, opening, closing, other ones found

·        life chances and the building of young people’s futures – and then, perhaps, all our futures

·        university places - conditions met or unmet, still available through ‘clearing’, courses popular and subjects more or less worthy

·        parents and carers, siblings and friends: joyful, brave-faced, disappointed, celebrating, and some perhaps not really caring or much interested.

And if we were to recognise a potential complexity and multiplicity of factors – ‘nature-al’ and ‘nurtural’ – a host of positive and adverse influences that perhaps, possibly, maybe come together to realise those grade-signifying letters and numbers presented on a page, in an email, by text:

·        individual (can we really hold you responsible for ‘cleverness’ or effort?)

·        familial (because or despite; and how might we know the difference?)

·        economic (with poverty and wealth perhaps tipping the scales as the BACS payments are made to private tutors and private schools?)

·        social (part of the majority, the privileged, the advantaged – or minoritised or disadvantaged; and where and when and how might we ameliorate or compensate?)

·        political and operational (what % shall we deem acceptable this year at each level from A* downwards?)

...then perhaps we might consider that much is perhaps artifice and construct, set in to systems and institutions that we have created or have allowed to develop by accident or design – in order to:

·        select in or out

·        differentiate

·        judge

·        deem worthy

·        enable or disable

·        slot in to hierarchies that we may even think are ordained

·        sort…   

But, as yet another Tory party leadership hustings passes by (more or less noticed), if we could entertain the idea that - after the sorting is done - it may not necessarily be all about individual responsibility and we cannot so readily say that I am inherently better than you, then how risky/liberating/unsettling/levelling/mitigating/threatening/empowering would that be…

…and what else could then be different‽

© Pistis  


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Pistis ponders happy holidays (weekending August 13th 2022)


‽istis ponders happy holidays (weekending August 13th 2022)

As ‘change over day’ approaches in every seaside and countryside (Air)BnB, rented apartment, guest house, hotel, holiday village, campsite or caravan park, and UK record-breaking temperatures bring crowded beaches, picturesque villages, footpaths and hilltops – but also drought-fearing/managing-hosepipe bans, record fire and emergency services’ activity and perhaps other signs of a climate new-normal (that may or may not prove reversible and possibly doesn’t feel yet like a clear and present danger or crisis)…

‽istis wonders whether holidays are worth it and how could we tell‽

Could a mass data-gathering exercise be mounted and what might we seek to gather information about?

·        The extra hours worked in the run up to a break + the extra hours worked immediately after a break (the ‘preparation, catch-up calculation’ factor?)

·        The time quantity – v – the time quality (the ‘relationship and family factor’)

·        The average miles per hour on this journey compared with almost every other journey throughout the year (the ‘are we nearly there yet factor’)

·        Your break and R&R – v – the working hours, conditions and pay of those who make it possible (the ‘our pleasure-said-through-literally-or-figuratively-gritted-teeth-and-behind-a-constant-smile-while you-are-here-in-front-of-me factor’)

·        Extra expenditure and sense of value-for-money – v – the regular budget and careful budgeting (the ‘was it worth it factor’ which could be the code name for the exercise as a whole)

·        The level of harmonious and joyful parent-child/young person interaction and management (the ‘”get in the car!! Wait ‘til you get home, you’re not going to have anything nice for a bloomin’ long time”[i] factor’)

·        Long-term productivity – v – absence from work with others covering as necessary (the ‘much of the work still has to be done and those of us doing it will try not to be resentful but don’t overplay the how rested you feel and/or tales of disaster and/or holiday snaps on your return factor’)

·        The extra indulgence or even temporary break – v – on-going experience of abuse within relationships, of substances, etc. (the ‘exacerbation/respite factor’)

·        Anticipation levels – v – reality levels – v- memories made levels (the ‘lasting impression’ factor’)

·        And you might like to think of your own indicators…

Perhaps it is all too complicated to measure and impossible to draw any generalised conclusions from. And possibly that is the point? Maybe our reasons for taking a break and the criteria and indicators for its success are utterly personal and unique?

‽istis asks ‘was it worth it?’ and really hopes that it has been so; perhaps, possibly, maybe because or despite…

© Pistis  


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] Heard this week across a large overflow field-extended edge-of-seaside-town car park

Friday, 5 August 2022

Pistis ponders a cliché (2): 'I feel your pain...' (weekending August 6th 2022)


‽istis ponders a cliché (2): ‘I feel your pain’ (weekending August 6th 2022)

In a week when:

·        a conversation was had, post-op., with a surgeon for whom the procedure was likely very minor - but, for the patient, major; even though perhaps neither had felt any discomfort; and

·        ‘devoted parents who face a circumstance that is every parent’s nightmare – the loss of a much–loved child.’ have pursued all means for their son[i] 

…‽istis pondered what may be a cliché: ‘I feel your pain…’ and wondered:

·        Can I ever, really‽

·        Is ‘something a little bit similar’ enough for at least the start of a meeting point; the middle of a Venn diagram; a connection‽

·        What impact might the use of anaesthetics have had on the treatment of illness and disease and on the skills, capacity as well as on the  emotional life of those who now can sometimes treat invasively and ‘harm to heal’ through seeming oftentimes but not alltimes miraculous surgery‽

·        Whether there may be a small-ish number of core and fundamental common experiences (with perhaps a positive and a negative side to them summed up in paired words such as: joy/sadness; pain/pleasure; love/hate; fear/calm; anger/warmth; companionship/loneliness; boredom/stimulation… and you might like to ponder on and add your own) - and yet how dynamic, multitudinous and multi-layered might our relative experiences be ‽  

So, somewhat lost for a conclusion as well as words when there is maybe just an inkling of what someone could be going through, ‽istis resolved to avoid saying ‘I feel your pain…’[ii] but to continue to try to develop and exercise a compassionate imagination, however painful that may be. 

And then imagine again - perhaps, possibly, maybe - how different the world could be…   

© Pistis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...