Wednesday 24 August 2022

Pistis ponders the sorting hat (weekending August 20th 2022)


‽istis ponders the sorting hat (weekending August 20th 2022)

As A level, T level and BTec. results come out in the UK, istis ponders:

·        intelligence

·        achievement and effort

·        assessment and certification

·        grading – inflated and deflated

·        doors present or absent, opening, closing, other ones found

·        life chances and the building of young people’s futures – and then, perhaps, all our futures

·        university places - conditions met or unmet, still available through ‘clearing’, courses popular and subjects more or less worthy

·        parents and carers, siblings and friends: joyful, brave-faced, disappointed, celebrating, and some perhaps not really caring or much interested.

And if we were to recognise a potential complexity and multiplicity of factors – ‘nature-al’ and ‘nurtural’ – a host of positive and adverse influences that perhaps, possibly, maybe come together to realise those grade-signifying letters and numbers presented on a page, in an email, by text:

·        individual (can we really hold you responsible for ‘cleverness’ or effort?)

·        familial (because or despite; and how might we know the difference?)

·        economic (with poverty and wealth perhaps tipping the scales as the BACS payments are made to private tutors and private schools?)

·        social (part of the majority, the privileged, the advantaged – or minoritised or disadvantaged; and where and when and how might we ameliorate or compensate?)

·        political and operational (what % shall we deem acceptable this year at each level from A* downwards?)

...then perhaps we might consider that much is perhaps artifice and construct, set in to systems and institutions that we have created or have allowed to develop by accident or design – in order to:

·        select in or out

·        differentiate

·        judge

·        deem worthy

·        enable or disable

·        slot in to hierarchies that we may even think are ordained

·        sort…   

But, as yet another Tory party leadership hustings passes by (more or less noticed), if we could entertain the idea that - after the sorting is done - it may not necessarily be all about individual responsibility and we cannot so readily say that I am inherently better than you, then how risky/liberating/unsettling/levelling/mitigating/threatening/empowering would that be…

…and what else could then be different‽

© Pistis  


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

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