Thursday 1 December 2022

Pistis ponders dissonance (weekending December 3rd 2022)


‽istis ponders dissonance (weekending December 3rd 2022)

This week ‽istis hears and sees and experiences much dissonance, in things perhaps sublime, possibly mundane, maybe everyday…

‽ extraordinary bravery then and since and now, the capacity to endure and survive the so-long-unspeakable, experiencing immediate terror and enduring trauma, resilience, the power of love and restorative relationships – v - the depravity and evil…  and the oh-so-different respective social-psychological, natured or nurtured situations that contributed to both[i]

‽ boycotting the football – v – drawn to the sport’s international news

‽ globalist by inclination – v – ‘English’ by parentage, law, constant domicile and likely deep unconscious social osmosis (and yet somehow wanting Wales to win!)[ii]

 ‘Artisan’/Christmas market in a cathedral – v – Matthew 21v12 (The Bible), no tables were overturned but plenty of money seemed to be changing hands; no water was turned in to wine, but plenty of ‘handcrafted’[iii] gin was on offer

‽ surprised at the revelation of an encounter at Buckingham Palace – v – not surprised at the revelation of an encounter at Buckingham Palace[iv]  

‽ Advent waiting – v – giving up on waiting[v]

‽ eager anticipation of a new birth in the family – v – hoping that baby and mother will hold on a bit longer so that a Covid positive testing parent can be there

‽ the cost of new glasses – v – the price of being able to see clearly and drive safely

And, maybe not surprisingly, there has been a headache…

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] An extraordinary interview on ‘Woman’s Hour’ I think: Rachael Watts and Emma Barnett Had to Tweet: ‘What resilience, what a dreadful, dreadful ordeal both then and in its legacy; what sensitive interviewing; what powerful radio. Listening in the car, reached destination, sat and listened to the end, tears unavoidable. Thank you.’

[iii] Wondering what profit margin increase may be represented by the addition of ‘handcrafted’; excessive profit realised in the light from windows depicting many prophets and saints?

[v] See previous blogs including: ‽istis reclaims Advent (weekending 21st December 2019)

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

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