‽istis ponders ‘tabulas’, rasa or otherwise (weekending December
17th 2022)
Holding a new-born baby
‽ simply and complexly miraculous and wonderous…
‽ any amount of pondering the ordinary/extraordinariness of new life
and potential perhaps, possibly, maybe brings humble awe and gratitude…
‽ the end of our Advent waiting…
‽istis ponders the continuing development of this new little life
nature and nurture (in interactive equation?)
influences (endogenous and exogenous?)
brain and the ‘operating system’ (architecture preformed
or built?)
the potential impact of all that is best and all that
yet may be traumatising (resilience, vulnerability, internal and external
resources to enable coping or not?)
by trial and error, trying and success
by example – positive and not so positive
by adventure and discovery and serendipity
by formal regulated proscribed methods and content, by
informal stuff of everyday experience
by deliberate plan, by happy or otherwise accident?
dependent, independent, co-dependent?
And as the airwaves, the Twittersphere, the Instagramming and all
Meta things are Tik-Toking away, resounding with the claim and counter-claim,
opinions masquerading as universal truths, vitritroll (sic) and views expounded,
declaimed, offered humbly, insisted, declared, whispered, shouted, ranted,
spoken quietly, ‽istis wonders:
what perhaps happened
what possibly influenced
what purpose may be served
what ‘facts’ were perhaps heard, read, selected, absorbed,
what circumstances, experiences and examples - possibly
residualised into ‘messages’ about the world, about others, about you and me
and ‘us’ and ‘them’ - maybe residing deep within, just below, or on the surface
…for you to believe what you believe and think what you think,
feel as you feel, do as you do‽
And perhaps, possibly, maybe this might be a question to
ask and explore – especially to and with those whose words and behaviour might
either revile or be reviled:
‽ How have you come to think, feel and do this?
And perhaps, possibly, maybe this might be a question to
ask and explore of and with ourselves:
‽ How have I come to think, feel
and do this?
And a few days’ later, holding this new life once more, ‽istis marvels again and wonders what, how and why will you,
o little one, come to think, feel and do; the universe perhaps,
possibly, maybe awaits…
© ‽istis
NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and
past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t
necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’:
@Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...