Sunday, 29 January 2023

Pistis wonders when folk matters or folks matter (weekending January 28th 2023)


‽istis wonders when folk matters or folks matter (weekending January 28th 2023)

This week ‽istis has pondered:

‽ Holocaust Memorial Day[i]  millions and millions of real people - every single one of them a child, a grandchild, a sibling or friend or parent or aunt or uncle or grandparent– killed, murdered, raped, made homeless, livelihoods destroyed, children and adults traumatised with acute and chronic consequences; bodies and minds as sites of international crimes and evidence at the very least of our terrible capacity for utter, pathetic, catastrophic failure…

‽ the potential for escalation of conflict in Ukraine – perhaps more and more people killed, murdered, raped, made homeless, livelihoods destroyed, children and adults traumatised with acute and chronic consequences; bodies and minds as sites of international crimes; possibly more and more profit for arms’ manufacturers; perhaps more evidence of our terrible capacity for utter, pathetic, catastrophic failure…

‽ strikes across the UK, in-work poverty, privileged ‘elites’ visiting food banks[ii] (‘let them eat from donated tins’) for whose benefit? An example of maybe structural, systemic, sanctioned, endorsed, reinforced and perpetuated inequality meeting a perspective that divides, organises, rewards, accords and affords value based on what may be no more than the uncontrollable vagaries of birth and level of physical or mental capacity - for which none of us can perhaps claim responsibility or take credit – pun intended…)

‽ niche hobbies and their enthusiasts (from organ-grinding to Lego model building; perhaps, possibly, maybe more to follow in forthcoming blogs)

…and has also pondered when folk songs matter.   

‽istis recently learned a folk song from the UK’s West Country – with a tune thought to be from the sixteenth century, words seemingly from an unknown poet and both ‘collected’ from one James Parsons, son of a man known as ‘The Singing-machine' and the then occupant of the role of ‘songman’ hereditary in the family[iii] .

‘A maiden sat a weeping’

A maiden sat a-weeping

Down by the sea shore,

What ails my pretty mistress?

What ails my pretty mistress?

And makes her heart sore!


Because I am a-weary,

A weary in mind,

No comfort, and no pleasure, love,

No comfort, and no pleasure, love,

Henceforth can I find.


I’ll spread my sail of silver,

I’ll loose my rope of silk,

My mast is of the cypress-tree,

My mast is of the cypress tree,

My track is as of milk.


I’ll spread my sail of silver

I’ll steer toward the sun

And thou, false love wilt weep for me,

And thou, false love wilt weep for me,

For me _ when I am gone.


Then, this week, walking on the beach there was a ‘maiden’ – slow-pacing the shore line, stopping to gaze, motionless, out to sea for lengthy periods – before pacing again from one length of the beach to the other…  possibly, perhaps, maybe ailing or with heart sore.

 ‽istis watched between rounds of ‘fetch’ with the dog: waiting long enough to see if a companion might arrive, there was none; waiting long enough to commit a basic description to memory and check the watch in case detail were needed for coastguard or police later; waiting long enough to worry and debate the pros and cons of leaving/staying/saying or doing nothing/finding a way to interact and engage.

A contrivance of a dog toy thrown closer gave the opportunity: a called out ‘sorry’ and then a slightly hesitant but direct question: ‘are you alright? I couldn’t help but be a bit worried’ (not great perhaps but that’s what came out at the time – and ‘What ails my pretty mistress? And makes her heart sore!’ didn’t seem quite appropriate! Ingrained assessment skills kicked in: body language; response and tone of response; any ‘a-weeping’; any ‘a-weariness’; any apparent absence of any source of ‘comfort’; any apparent sign of taking ‘no pleasure’ – any despair…

 And ‽istis was reassured to a degree. Whilst there may well have been some pondering weighty matters, things seemed sort of OK and alarm bells did not sound. A message, it is hoped, had been conveyed: that someone was concerned enough, had potentially noticed and could potentially offer some support.

 No report of a lone person walking into and then lost at sea was spotted in the media over the next few days; for this relief much thanks. And now, a few days’ later…?

·        Had the song played a part in shaping awareness of the possibility of shore-side distress?

·        Was asking the question enough?

·        Was the relief that assuaged imagined fears and allowed ‽istis and dog to leave the beach, appropriate or misplaced?

·        What would ‽istis have done or said if the worries had been confirmed and if there, right then was weeping, weariness, sore-heartedness and serious ailing?


·        What songs perhaps, possibly, maybe capture a little of the tough, rough, tricky reality of the stuff of ordinary life for many people right now who may be a-weeping, ailing, comfortless or weary?

You may have your own list of such songs to hand easily, but just this week ‽istis listened to ‘Dark Water’ by Sean Cooney[iv], ‘Country Life’ by Show of Hands[v], songs by Lady Maisery[vi] and Our Native Daughters[vii], and lots of Fado from Mariza[viii] and Raquel Tavares[ix].

 Perhaps, possibly, maybe ‘folk’ and roots music matters, because folks matter - anybodies’ and everybodies’ everydays, everywheres and everywhens - especially in the harsh, bright light of more and more examples of our species’ terrible capacity for utter, pathetic, catastrophic failure…     

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[iii] Information from the Introduction to: ‘ Songs of the West – Folk Songs of Devon and Cornwall Collected from the Mouths of the People’ by S.Baring-Gould M.A., H.Fleetwood Sheppard M.A., and FW, Bussell, Mus.Doc.DD (6th edition published in 1922 by Methuen and Co., London)

Friday, 20 January 2023

Pistis ponders jigsaws, not puzzling (weekending January 21st 2023)


‽istis ponders jigsaws, not puzzling (weekending January 21st 2023)

This week ‽istis has wondered at and about:

‽ the hazard of allowing a ‘single line of failure’[i] where no checks and balances, mitigations or backups may be in place and an entire system breaks down; the dangers that may follow

‽ the life and works of Ronald Blythe who died on January 14th at 100 years’ old[ii]; especially wondering how on earth ‽istis could get to more than half that age and not have heard of RB, RB’s ‘Church Times’ contributions and other writings - but then notices a volume in the window of a local bookshop and sets out to remedy the error   

But has also pondered jigsaw puzzles. The 20 pieces wonderfully fine-motorskilled in to ‘Frozen’ characters by under three-year old hands and mind (especially as there were no straight edges!); the 1000 pieces facing two considerably-over-three-year olds.

For the over-three-year-olds the problems started pretty much straight away – essentially a matter of differing methods. If you also jigsaw puzzle (oh those nouns posing as verbs!), are you a ‘sorter’ - or a ‘placer’ (oh those verbs posing as nouns)? It seems that there could be at least three points of variation:

i) Selection: sifting carefully from the whole – v – picking up a random handful

ii) Reference to the picture: initially pretty much none at all – v – careful scrutiny from the outset to assist with placing

ii) Placing: first in to bowls based on colour -  v – straight on to the board as close as possible to the expected final place (after close examination of each piece one at a time, followed by the careful scrutiny of the picture to help determine appropriate orientation and required location)

And ‽istis wonders:

·        perhaps there is a metaphor to be extruded - and, if so, for what?

·        possibly there may be a challenging outcome research project to pursue – just how might one evaluate the relative impact and effectiveness of each method?

·        maybe the chosen method provides deep insight into the nature, character, thoughts, feelings and behaviours of each person and provides a clue as to their past, present or future approach to life in other situations?

Yet, this week, ‽istis’ main ‘takeaway’ is either the bought-in meal and accompanying beverage of choice to be enjoyed while trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle – or – that, whilst there may be many avenues to wander down, to explore, analyse wonder and ponder, well just perhaps, possibly, maybe an evening or two’s jigsaw puzzling could simply be one of those precious ‘always time for a drink with friends’ moments around the 'bigger' stuff of life[iii]

Perhaps, possibly, maybe the most important process is the doing together, working to a common goal, accommodating different approaches without seeking to justify or establish what is ‘better’ - or even, heaven forbid, ponder too deeply.

Darn it, just when ‽istis was seeking to avoid a moral to the story…     

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] References include:  SPOF: ‘a person, facility, piece of equipment, application, or another resource for which there is no redundancy in place. If such a resource goes down, any system or process of which it is an essential part will come to a halt.’

[iii] c. 1’57” in to the video clip

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Pistis ponders noticing (weekending January 14th 2023)


‽istis ponders noticing (weekending January 14th 2023)

This weekending ‽istis wonders about what gets noticed:

·        A snippet on the radio that might snap you back from being ‘miles away’

·        A conversation overheard in the street

·        Something seen that sparks a thought – a bit out of the ordinary

·        A snatch of a thought that flits through – barely catchable

·        A sentence in a book – that jumps out, keen to be underlined, marked up

·        A social media post, a video perhaps designed to ‘reel’ you in and down advert-lined rabbit holes having taken the bait (and mixed the animal and fish-based metaphors)

This week’s ‘noticings’ and related sparked thoughts have included: 

‽ Piers Morgan casting oh so broadly  – reigniting my fear of being stuck in a lift with PM, the (not most) recent ex-PM, plus Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Madeley, Giles Coren and Andrew Bridgen, and wondering who might emerge the least scarred by the experience. Ponder point: check the lift before you get in.

 Quotations attributed to Alice Walker, Aristotle and Simone de Beauvoir - and a picture of a hat or an elephant inside a satiated snake from Antoine de St ExupĂ©ry:

·        ‘Keep in mind always the present you are constructing. It should be the future you want.’ (More wonderings and ponderings, not enough action?)

·        ‘The more you know, the more you don’t know.’ (And the name Donald Rumsfeld comes to mind)

·        ‘If you live long enough, you’ll see that every victory turns into a defeat.’ (Perhaps then the trick is to die at the right time?)

·        ‘My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.’ (Hoping that this what I shall always see – fearing the time that I have even forgotten that this is what I hoped I would always see).

o   Ponder point: one person’s inspirational quote could be quite the opposite for another.

‽ High tides, full harbour and the sheer power of the sea. Ponder point: great caution, risk assessment and hats off to the RNLI, coastguards and coastwatch volunteers

‽ A West Country space launch. Ponder point: the same thing could be considered both a success and a failure at the same time (and the Cornish space business may thrive ‘dreckly’)

‽ That not all beauty is always permissible[i]. Ponder point: art may challenge perceptions and perceptions may challenge art

‽ That natural yoghurt can highlight the sweetness of a (memorial) egg custard tart. Ponder point: tastes may perhaps be relative and on a spectrum

‽ That ‘on this day’ dates can potentially spotlight aspects of the past that:

a) we might wish to avoid, forget, ignore… e.g: the granting of a charter to the ‘Royal African Company’[ii] (10.1.1663) by Charles II which sanctioned explicitly ‘the buying and selling, bartering and exchanging of, for, and with any negro slaves, goods, wares and merchandize whatsoever to be vended or found’ in Western Africa’

b) we might wish to hail and applaud… e.g: January 10th 1946 saw the opening of the inaugural session of the UN General Assembly in the Methodist Central Hall in London.

o   Ponder point: when, how and why might we judge something to be ‘a good thing’ or not? And can there be a universal ‘we’ anyway?  

‽ How a good pair of binoculars still won’t help if the dolphins are just not there at the moment. Ponder point: if a dolphin is swimming in the sea but nobody sees it, etc…?

‽ Porridge pan: perhaps best soaked and scraped before washing. Scrambled egg pan: perhaps best left to dry and scraped before washing. Ponder point: tips and hints for cleaning other kitchenware?

‽ That, again – see previous blogs – ‘problem-locus’ and ‘solution-focus’ may be linked (i.e: a proposed solution may provide insight into the perceived cause of the problem), whilst root cause analysis[iii] could potentially help dig down past the soundbites and rehearsed ‘positions’ – that will be delivered during the interview, whatever the question asked.  Ponder point: is the solution to striking workers (for example in the health sector) a ban on strikes or ensuring adequate pay, terms and conditions and recognition (beyond a Thursday pandemic clap) so that committed professionals do not find themselves thinking that striking is necessary?

So, this week - lots of ‘noticings’ and a fair bit of more-or-less relevant pondering. ‽istis is left wondering what you may have perhaps noticed, what ponderings were possibly inspired and, maybe, what impact they had…

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] See what ‽istis considers to be an extraordinary exhibition at Hampton Court: ‘Permissible Beauty’ (amazing work Julie Howell and team).

[iii] See as a starting point. Wikipedia was chosen as so many references to RCA link to commercial businesses and resource/training providers

Friday, 6 January 2023

Pistis wonders about paint (weekending January 7th 2023)


‽istis wonders about paint (weekending January 7th 2023)

This week ‽istis has been rather surprised at the topic that has emerged.

Having thought about:  

‽ Frugality - and a planned year of reduced, discretionary, self-focussed spending; essential, necessary, to be given, other-focussed only where possible

‽ Disinhibition – not the substance-induced kind but the being authentic, removing the socially conditioned, inherited and natured filters  especially in relation to the ‘big things’

‽ Transitions – a last day in a work setting that has been such a part of the past two years – directly with a ‘service user’; with a core and changing group of people in an award-winning team; at times very intense; a learning and development experience (curved or otherwise); a full-circle job, now providing care within a career that first involved crisis intervention, being part of removing to places of safety

‽ Peace - and contemplating the following from Oscar Romero (1978): ‘Peace is not the absence of war; peace is not fear of repression; peace is not a balance of two powers based on terror. Peace is the fruit of justice; peace is the flower of love and justice in society.’[i]   

‽istis has also been wondering and pondering - paint:

·        cracking on with smartening up a home where yellow-faded woodwork has crept up, only occasionally noticed perhaps through the eyes of visitors

·        instant results, not a complicated process (possibly save for that fiendish ‘cutting in’ business)

·        bringing the possibility of colour – a change of tone or style, a brightening up, a reining in

·        showing up what may still need to be covered, recovered, repaired, refreshed, renewed

…and that is just domestic paint, 1l, 5l or even 10l screwdriver-prising-the-lid-off type of paint!

But ‽istis also begins to ponder the representations, the creations, the portraits, the imaginings, the literal and the abstract depiction to be found in daubs and fine-brush work – and is lost in wondering about how the artist sees and shows the world, its people, places, flora, fauna and ideas… perhaps, possibly, maybe we could be transformed in the viewing?

Meanwhile, relatives visiting, a New Year resolution to fulfil – back to the gloss and the eggshell…  

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...