Friday 6 January 2023

Pistis wonders about paint (weekending January 7th 2023)


‽istis wonders about paint (weekending January 7th 2023)

This week ‽istis has been rather surprised at the topic that has emerged.

Having thought about:  

‽ Frugality - and a planned year of reduced, discretionary, self-focussed spending; essential, necessary, to be given, other-focussed only where possible

‽ Disinhibition – not the substance-induced kind but the being authentic, removing the socially conditioned, inherited and natured filters  especially in relation to the ‘big things’

‽ Transitions – a last day in a work setting that has been such a part of the past two years – directly with a ‘service user’; with a core and changing group of people in an award-winning team; at times very intense; a learning and development experience (curved or otherwise); a full-circle job, now providing care within a career that first involved crisis intervention, being part of removing to places of safety

‽ Peace - and contemplating the following from Oscar Romero (1978): ‘Peace is not the absence of war; peace is not fear of repression; peace is not a balance of two powers based on terror. Peace is the fruit of justice; peace is the flower of love and justice in society.’[i]   

‽istis has also been wondering and pondering - paint:

·        cracking on with smartening up a home where yellow-faded woodwork has crept up, only occasionally noticed perhaps through the eyes of visitors

·        instant results, not a complicated process (possibly save for that fiendish ‘cutting in’ business)

·        bringing the possibility of colour – a change of tone or style, a brightening up, a reining in

·        showing up what may still need to be covered, recovered, repaired, refreshed, renewed

…and that is just domestic paint, 1l, 5l or even 10l screwdriver-prising-the-lid-off type of paint!

But ‽istis also begins to ponder the representations, the creations, the portraits, the imaginings, the literal and the abstract depiction to be found in daubs and fine-brush work – and is lost in wondering about how the artist sees and shows the world, its people, places, flora, fauna and ideas… perhaps, possibly, maybe we could be transformed in the viewing?

Meanwhile, relatives visiting, a New Year resolution to fulfil – back to the gloss and the eggshell…  

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

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