Friday 17 February 2023

Pistis ponders: just because you could... (weekending February 18th 2023)


‽istis ponders: just because you could… (weekending February 18th 2023)

This weekending, ‽istis has pondered, among other things, the similarities and differences in definitions of a cliché and an idiom.  Perhaps there’s something to do with whether one is viewed negatively or is a source of annoyance, or viewed positively and not so overused. Possibly there’s something to do with the respective level of figurative-ness and literal-ness (?). Maybe there’s something to do with whether the phrase is more or less spoken, or written? ‽istis wonders whether ‘peak cliché’ status might be reserved for expressions where only the first part of a phrase often needs saying: ‘the rest, as they say…’; ‘the proof of the pudding…’; ‘not waving but…’ although there may always be ‘the exception that…’[i]  

However, the phrase that seems to capture a bit about this week’s ponderings and wonderings (whether idiom or cliché or something else altogether) goes along the lines of: ‘just because you could, doesn’t mean you should.’

Issues and news where this may be relevant have included – just because you could:

·        assist dying (and thanks to Prue Leith and Danny Kruger for a heavily ponder-provoking programme[ii]) - doesn’t mean you should

·        use prayers of blessing for same-sex marriages (with doesn’t mean you should being the conclusion of some - including, it appears, the Archbishop of Canterbury[iii])

·        triple profits in the same period that energy costs for many households have also apparently tripled[iv] - doesn’t mean you should

·        maybe move from hopeful ‘rescue’ to regretfully and tragically resigned ‘recovery’ in a disaster zone[v] - doesn’t mean you should

·        stay on as leader of a political party and holder of the top job[vi] - doesn’t mean you should (thank you Nicola Sturgeon for service and what ‽istis thought were clear and  helpful near-daily Covid briefings, with or without Janey Godley’s commentary![vii])

·        panic at the use of the term UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) - doesn’t mean you should; it just may mean that there’s something in the sky and we don’t know what it is yet…[viii]

·        release information about someone’s so-called ‘vulnerabilities’ in a missing person investigation[ix], or speculate for part of what just may one day be a 'true crime' podcast- doesn’t mean you should.

Yet, as practice on an instrument recently purchased continues (said instrument having been hankered after for several decades since a childhood family visit to a place housing and playing several of them – oh, the joyous sound!), istis is also happy to confirm this week that perhaps, possibly, maybe just because you could, might sometimes mean that you indeed should‽

 What and when would you or should you, if you could – and why‽

© ‽istis                                                                                                                    

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. ‘Follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] …history; …is in the eating; …drowning (and thanks this week to Melvyn Bragg and guests for what ‽istis thought was a fascinating ‘In Our Times’ programme on Stevie Smith: ); …proves the rule (though ‽istis has never quite really understood that one).  Did you manage to not complete the line, despite yourself? And where would the traditional first question of Matt Chorley’s Times Radio’s ‘hugely popular quiz: Can you get to No. 10?’ be without a stock of well-known phrases and sayings? (see, for example: 8’45” in)

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...