‽istis is alarmed (weekending July 22nd 2023)
‽istis wonders again (with variousi others) whether there are perhaps two types of people in the world: those who think that there are two types of people in the world and those who don’t…
And ‽istis ponders another possible difference: those who wake today because the alarm has gone off...
- Alarms on clocks, smartspeakers, ‘phones, watches
- Multiple, closely spaced before the final up-rising deadline
- Reflex use of the ‘snooze’ button (just one more lot of 10 minutes, oh and maybe another)
- ...essential tasks before appointment or commitment, pared
- Woken for – well, all the stuff of life that you might imagine, and maybe some that you might not imagine!
...and those who don’t:
- Waking whenever, routinely or intermittently but just not possible to get up because of illness or injury, in decline, in recovery, in despair, in hope
- Waking whenever, because there is no need to get up just yet
- Woken willingly or unwillingly by others: rudely, gently (tea in hand), with a kiss or more – willingly or unwillingly, with a slap or a kick or a bucket of water, by pets jumping on or off the bed, by children jumping on or off the bed
- Woken by the noises outside: birds, animals, vehicles; chatter, shouting, cursing, fighting, sobbing; whistling, singing, music; revving, bins being moved, alarms going off; machinery starting up; calls to prayer (or is this a type of alarm?), chiming public or church clocks; shutters on shops and garages, slamming doors
- Woken by the noises inside, if inside is indeed where you are sleeping: others, family, friends, next door – getting on with their day; radio, kettle, flushing toilet, slamming doors; chatter, shouting, cursing, fighting, sobbing; whistling, singing, music; prison bars banged; hospital curtains swept aside; monitoring noises, processes and procedures starting
- Woken by the noises within: dreams or nightmares, voices, worries – nagging or utterly, utterly acute
- No need for an alarm, for sleep is elusive or largely absent
- Woken by pain
- Woken by the sun
And then there may be the alarms that help negotiate the day: medication, pick-ups and meets, calls and appointments and deadlines not to be missed, parking, routines; forgetfulness or anxieties – managed?
And finally,‽istis wonders about all those who have woken today – and who are alarmed
...and all the many, many potential sub-types of waking alarmed there may be and the many, many causes of alarm
...including thinking about the people who are waking alarmed and the cause of their alarm
And around the world, perhaps every single hour / minute / second / nano-second multiple alarms are probably sounding.
Constant alarms...
Constant ‘snooze’ buttons depressed...
Constant waking...
Constant rising to face the day with or without alarm‽
NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...
i https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/02/07/two-classes/ and, with apologies (but it seems a good line!) in an earlier blog...