Saturday, 15 July 2023

Pistis re-ponders power (weekending July 15th 2023)


‽istis re-ponders power – exploitative and exploited (weekending July 15th 2023)

This week again, so much to ponder and wonder about, largely in despair:

1)     Back to the established Church of England, and the meeting of one of its most prominent governing institutions: General Synod[i], and some of its Bishops, clergy and lay members[ii]: safeguarding; victims, rescuers and persecutors perhaps in complex and changing dynamic[iii]; sexuality and relationships; marriage (to charge or not to charge, to include or exclude, to bless or not to bless); processes (standing orders, points of orders, can we, can’t we, creative solutions so the letter of the law is adhered to and the 'spirit' - Holy or otherwise - of the room is reflected); governance, authority, Councils and committees, working groups; sorrys (sorries?); money…     Oh, and God (present, absent[iv], elsewhere, nowhere)?

2)     A media frenzy; just about top-of-the-food-chain if not quite national treasure; blood in the water; an unnamed young person/young adult, a finally named presenter; tabloid media – thriving on our prurience; distraction; 'and in other news today'?

3)     News of perhaps the hottest June; of record sea temperatures; of ground heat under buildings; of ‘tipping points’[v]; the Anthropocene – a final warning?

And ‽istis wonders about any links.

What seemed to ‽istis to be a stand-out question/speech at the unusual General Synod session in York last Sunday afternoon perhaps gives a clue as to a potential connecting thread.

c. 3hours and 21ish minutes in to the Sunday afternoon session - and proceedings had moved on from one aspect of safeguarding to another: the work to develop a ‘redress’ scheme[vi], the proposed measures to redress a legacy of abuse in the Church. Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff spoke and invited the gathered to ‘step back’ suggesting that:

’I don’t think this redress will necessarily end the circle of mistrust, grievance and injury that we keep lapping…’

A possible ‘deeper problem’ was suggested and a challenge issued: to identify and respond to what may be underlying ‘cause’ rather than ‘symptomology’[vii].

‘…we will keep circling this drain until we address it because the Church of England has a problem with power*.’

Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff went on to refer to ‘root sin’, which one cited writer calls ‘sin so deeply buried… that a community or organisation can no longer properly see it.’

Leaving aside the personal wince at a possible COWPAT (Constructs or Opinions Which may Present as Truths’ – see previous blogs, primarily and see the *above), perhaps, possibly, maybe it is this matter: ‘power’ and especially exploitative power or power exploited - that could link ‽istis’ three preoccupations this week‽

In order, following the numbers above:

1) The level, distribution and exercise of power within the Church – or perhaps any organisation? Two possible types come to mind:

·        Active power: to get things done, to decide, to influence, to decree, to authorise, to require, to expect, to direct?

·        ‘Check-ing’ power: to balance, to hold to account, to question, to mitigate, to moderate and temper, to challenge?

And perhaps both are needed…?

How do we respond to what can be the suppurative, insidious working out in lives and in an institution of power abused: position, authority, favour, coercion, control, force - physically[viii], sexually, psychologically and spiritually - in the claimed or implied name of God[ix] (who perhaps can intervene but possibly doesn’t; who may be cannot intervene; who perhaps, possibly, maybe even isn’t…)?


2) The power of money: to buy photographs, perhaps to facilitate substance use; to draw out and reward the telling of stories, whole, half, partial or even fabricated. The power of position, status, authority, credibility.  Power to possibly buy silence or induce reluctant ‘don’t rock the boat-ery’. The power, maybe, to make or break lives, prospects and careers. The potential power of apparent reckless compulsion? The power perhaps to influence and inform views, opinions and gossip?

3) The need for power and energy - coal-derived, gas-derived, oil-derived, precious-metals and chemicals-derived; resources exploited and people exploited in the extraction and processing:

·        to drive the wheels of industry, capitalism, growth and development/over-development to the betterment of some and the detriment of many: people, places, flora and fauna, landscape and livelihood…

·        to risk ‘an existential threat to civilisation’ and the ‘biggest emergency threat mankind has ever faced.’ (see ref. v, below). Oh so easy to type, oh so appalling and terrifying to really hear and comprehend...

And at the end of all this, this week - ‽istis is left pondering: what power do you or I have‽ – and ‽istis is left wondering: what shall we do with it‽



NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[iii] See Karpman’s ‘drama triangle’. Many references including (perhaps inevitably?) Wikipedia, a starting point:

[iv] 1’18”+ Where is God in this? At times quite hard to see…  Febrile, factious, troubling…  Faith in the Church, faith in God..? What would Jesus be thinking? What might Occam say (whilst shaving away at the possibly unnecessary

[vii] And ‽istis recalls the ending of a previous blog from September 2019:  ‘…And if, perhaps, possibly, maybe we named, sought to identify and tackle cause rather than just symptomology - then what might be the fresh locus of our solutions and time; our energy, effort and commitments; our policy, practice and spending – and how different the world might be?’

[viii] Who might dominate in the alleged wrestling bouts between charismatic pastor and ‘acolyte’:

[ix] And some people may indeed be troubled by the ‘Our Father’ start of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ – when a father or indeed a priest-titled ‘Father’ has been the source of abuse…. Several references including:,Church%20of%20England%27s%20ruling%20body.

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