Saturday, 28 October 2023

Pistis wonders - just too simple; just too complex? (weekending October 28th 2023)


‽istis wonders - just too simple; just too complex‽ (weekending October 28th 2023)

In previous blog-offerings ‽istis has pondered

·         symptoms v causes (including: July 2023 & August 2019

·         the past v ‘history’ (including: August 2021 & October 2020 & May 2020

·         problem locus v solution focus (including: January 2023 & May 2023 & April 2022

Last weekending’s blog included the following as one of several statements that ‽istis personally would be pleased to hear a leader say:

‽ Maybe when ‘history’ is told, raided or stopped at a particular moment to favour a narrative of anyone’s ‘my’ or anyones’ ‘our’ resentment, defeat, maltreatment, exploitation, grievance, atrocity, injustice or justification – we are all in danger of having no shared future to record or look back on?

This week the news and airwaves, full of the dreadful, dreadful events in the Middle East, (less full of the dreadful, dreadful events in Ukraine, even less full of the dreadful, dreadful events in so many other places in the world right now), have included information about speeches seeking to present a context (recent past and very much not-so-recent past) for the situation – and condemnation from some quarters has followed.

Binaries, polar opposites, one-side-or-another extreme ends without the shades of a spectrum, or the middle of a continuum apparently and firmly set in a zero-sum gain worldview – these seem to dominate the discourse and discussion. So, for ‽istis, the ideas above (symptoms v causes, the past v ‘history’, problem locus v solution focus) continue to be relevant (albeit that they are also set out in a one-or-the-other formula).

Yet, in the world of social and health care (and probably other worlds less-familiar to ‽istis) there is emphasis in some approaches and theoretical frameworks for intervention and change management to focus on ‘solutions’, ‘preferred futures’ and ‘outcomes’; to promote ‘goal-orientated’ practice.

‽istis wonders whether some attempt to apply such an approach to wider issues, difficulties or challenges – such as peace in the Middle East – would be just far too simplistic, the ‘problem’ just far too complex; the proposal just far too naïve…? Mind you what has been tried in the past or what is going on now does not seem to be working out too well! Perhaps, possibly, maybe it is simpler to launch another rocket, fuel up another jet, take another hostage, bomb another building, fire another gun, kill another child!

So, for what it is worth (which may be less than not very much) here is ‽istis’ oh so naïve, oh so simplistic initial proposal for the outline of a stepped process:

Step 1: Exploration with each and every party, separately and individually – what do you want? What do you really want? Make a list…  but challenge and pare away at suggestions that seem of a second or third order, or two or three steps removed; challenge and pare away at ‘wants’ that perhaps seem to be only means to a more fundamental end. E.g: do you really want ‘the elimination of Hamas’ (as heard from an Israeli spokesperson on ‘The World Tonight’[i]), or the elimination of the Israeli state as absolute ends in themselves, or could these be considered to be a perceived means to another end? Could things be pared back further and more fundamentally? For example, to ‘peace’ – or to ‘for my children, family, friends and me to have the opportunity for happiness and fulfilment’?

And ‽istis suspects that if challenged and pared, challenged and pared – then what may be left could be statements about the basics, the beating heart ‘stuff’ of life (and Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’ ‘triangle’ comes to mind[ii], along with words that might be found in a declaration of rights[iii]: starting with ‘life, liberty and security of person’): needs met, rights upheld.  

Step 2: Compare the lists and identify the things that each and every party have listed in common – have we got to a point of agreement, of commonality?  Despite the ‘history’ (way back and more immediately past) and perhaps even despite what is going on right now outside of this forum in the present.

And ‽istis does not underestimate how hard and complex it may be to ‘park’ the past of grievance, trauma, a sense of injustice, hostility, deep pain and the complex legacy of many revolving rounds of perceived roles: victim, perpetrator, rescuer[iv]; how hard it may be to move from designating ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’…

And ‽istis does not underestimate how hard and complex it may be to focus on a preferred future…

But is there a goal/s that we can agree on, an outcome/s that we may even share?

And ‽istis wonders whether it might end up with a statement something like this: ‘for my children, family, friends and me to have the opportunity for happiness and fulfilment; to have our rights upheld and our needs met – and maybe, just maybe, have some of our wants met too...’   

Step 3: Once a statement of a common goal/outcome or common goals/outcomes has been created, perhaps the next hardest and complex part begins: consider what arrangements need to be put in place to achieve this goal/these goals, to realise this outcome/these outcomes? Identify who (and there’s probably always a ‘who’ even if the action pertains to an organisation, or if the action is resource-dependent - for ensuring the adequacy of the resources is surely part of any action plan…) needs to do what, by when, and how? And perhaps there is also ‘next hardest and complex part’ caveat to this step too: is it possible to agree only arrangements that promote MABs (Mutually Assured Benefits – as opposed to MAD arrangements: Mutually Assured Destruction) or, at the very least, arrangements that are ABNDTOG (at best not disadvantageous to one group).  

Step 4: Identify some interim (signs of progress) and final measurable outcome indicators and establish the means to measure them?

Step 5: The next and perhaps most hardest part of all: try it…

Much further pondering needed… 

‽ All too simple, especially when sitting at a desk in a largely quiet, peaceful and prosperous town?

‽ All too complex in practice given the fear, the hatred, the sense of injustice, the history, the loss, the grief, the vested interests, the generational and ever-present trauma, the ‘politics’, the economics, the deaths of so many…

‽ How much simpler to launch another rocket, fuel up another jet, take another hostage, bomb another building, fire another gun, kill another child and another and another and another…?


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Pistis ponders - leaders (weekending October 21st 2023)


‽istis ponders – leaders (weekending October 21st 2023)

This weekending, as

·    hundreds die - including many, many children - in the conflict dominating the news in a so-called ‘holy land’[i]; in the conflict bumped off recent top spot[ii]; in the conflicts unreported

·    a failed British Prime Minister[iii] is appointed to the advisory board of the ‘International Democracy Union’

·    Greta Thunberg is arrested in London[iv] at a protest outside the InterContinental Hotel on Park Lane, where oil executives were meeting

·    The Pope ‘Tweets’/’Xs’ lamentations and exhortations of peace

·    Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping meet at the ‘Belt and Road Forum’ in Beijing[v]

·    ‘The Elders’ view is found on their website[vi] - but the voice of one-time designated terrorist[vii] Nelson Mandela and most-times saintly Desmond Tutu are missed from our news feeds and the world stage

·    the British Labour Party win two by-elections overturning very large Conservative Party majorities

·    President Biden[viii] and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak[ix] shake hands with Benjamin Netanyahu and Rishi Sunak meets with Mahmoud Abbas[x]

·    a majority vote ‘no’ in a referendum to potentially change the Australian Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice[xi]

·    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visits the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip in an attempt to get aid flowing into the besieged Palestinian enclave[xii]

·    the UNRWA commissioner-general, Philippe Lazzarini says: “I have sometimes the impression that the world is now losing its humanity”[xiii]

‽istis wonders whether it is too much to wish for a leader or leaders who might say things a little like the following – some suggestions as a starter (and familiar themes emerge once more), in no particular order:

‽ Perhaps when we forget or pretend that these nations, these states, these flags and anthems, these cultures (multi-, poly-, mono-) are all created and maintained with more or much less participation, agreement, consent or consensus – we are all in danger of being hoisted by our own petards?

‽ Possibly a way to ‘stop the boats’ and manage immigration and migration is to help make everywhere safe and prosperous?

‽ Maybe when we think that competition is better than co-operation - we are already the runners-up?

‽ Perhaps when ‘the richest 1% own almost half of the world’s wealth, while the poorest half of the world own just 0.75%’ and ‘81 billionaires have more wealth than 50% of the world combined’[xiv] - we are all being robbed?

‽ Possibly when freedom of speech is claimed more to denigrate, cause offence or belatedly explain ‘it was only a joke’ than to promote and champion the voice of the more usually voiceless or silenced – not everyone is laughing and all of us are diminished?   

‽ Maybe if we think that we have to win and beat the world – we have already lost and lost it?

‽ Perhaps when it is thought again and again that differences can only be resolved by killing – humanity is already on life support and our breathing starts to gasp and rattle, then shallow, then slow, then…?

‽ Possibly when inflated profit is pursued more than ‘fairtrade’ and fair wages - we are all being exploited?

‽ Maybe when we wreak destruction on the environment and scar our beautiful, unique planet home (and spend billions seeking a back-up ‘Planet B’) – we do not deserve to survive?

‽ Perhaps when we can only meet our requirement for doctors, nurses and essential workers by taking them from places with much greater need – we should all be sickened?

‽ Possibly when religion becomes that which divides us rather than unites us in a rich tapestry of wonder, insight and inspiration, of aspiration for our best sacred selves and holy practice for the common good – then we prove that hell is possible?

‽ Maybe when we can only promote our interests at the expense of others – then we are already bankrupt?

‽ Perhaps when confidence is greater than competence – we are all being tricked?

‽ Possibly when we allow the making and selling of arms and weapons to be more lucrative than green tech. initiatives, pandemic preparation or health and well-being research, development and provision; make the training of armed forces more attractive than training for teaching or nursing or social care  – we are all more wounded than encouraged and helped?

‽ Maybe when ideology more than evidence drives our thinking and doing – we are all at the whim of uncontrolled variables and maybe we are the uncontrolled and uncontrollable variable?

‽ Perhaps when we think that our differences are more significant than that which we have in common – we are all likely to end up being placed in boxes?  

‽ Possibly when empathy and compassion is stifled by selfishness and sectarian passion – all our hearts are a little more hardened and parched up[xv]?

‽ Maybe when ‘history’ is told, raided or stopped at a particular moment to favour a narrative of anyone’s ‘my’ or anyones’ ‘our’ resentment, defeat, maltreatment, exploitation, grievance, atrocity, injustice or justification – we are all in danger of having no shared future to record or look back on?

‽ Perhaps I or we are not responsible for the beliefs and actions, the appalling crimes and misdemeanours, the amazing successes and triumphs of our forebears – but we all have a duty of sorrow and a duty to acknowledge the legacy of the worst and its continuing dynamic and traumatic impact in the present, and also a duty to claim and create the ‘most best for most’ (rather than the ‘least worse for some’) as a restorative, reparative and valuable inheritance for us all?        

And my vote for leadership that could take us a step beyond just imagining how different the world could be is guaranteed… 

Others, however, may be already focusing the crosshairs, though we might ask who and why?

So, what would you add or delete or change? What might that suggest about how you would lead, or who you wish to be led by, or who you would be willing to follow‽


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme

and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets

(which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!)

and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment

and dialogue welcome...  


[i] Israel and Hamas

[ii] Ukraine and Russia

[iii] ‘Disgraced former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who unlawfully suspended Parliament, restricted the right to protest, and lied to MPs, has been appointed to the advisory board of the International Democracy Union, the global centre-right group for “freedom and democracy”.’ Byline Times:,for%20%E2%80%9Cfreedom%20and%20democracy%E2%80%9D.

[iv] &


[vi] & in particular

[vii] Oh! Very controversial…








[xv] After Rabindranath Tagore:,with%20thy%20peace%20and%20rest.

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Pistis wonders - MIA‽ AWOL‽ (weekending October 14th 2023)


‽istis wonders – missing in action‽ absent without leave‽ (weekending October 14th 2023)

‽istis wonders this weekending: in the sometime called ‘holy land’ and elsewhere, there and here…

'God' of one name, of no name, a hundred names[i] or nine billion names[ii], unutterable or utterable as prayer or curse, in despair or hope…

Absent without leave

Missing in action‽

Never there‽

Never here‽

This week, again[iii], that is all…

And yet, and yet…

Perhaps, possibly, maybe can we still somehow imagine how different the world could be‽ 


A rare postscript added a few days later.

Singing today the Taizé chant 'Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est' (where there is charity and love, God is there)... So, perhaps, possibly, maybe where there is not charity and love, God is not there‽   

NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] Many references including: &,to%20his%20thought%20emerge%20best. And from ‘‘God of a Hundred Names. Prayers of many peoples and creeds collected and arranged by Barbara Greene and Victor Gollancz: ‘From amidst diversified and often warring creeds: over a vast span of history: in the language of many a tribe and many a nation: out of the mouths of the learned and simple, the lowly and the great: despite oceans of bloodshed, and torturing inhumanities, and persecutions unspeakable – the single voice of a greater Humanity rises confidently to heaven saying “We adore Thee, who art One and who art Love: and it is in unity and love that we would live together, doing Thy will”.'  But ‽istis cannot help but wonder – if this belief might not be more part of the problem than the solution: distracting, externalising, exogenous-focussed, even diminishing of all humanity as part of all life - wondrous and sacred‽

Friday, 6 October 2023

Pistis ponders not fighting (weekending October 7th 2023)


‽istis ponders not fighting (weekending October 7th 2023)

This week ‽istis has pondered not fighting…

Penny Mordaunt: Member of the UK Parliament, ‘belly-flopping’ reality TV show participant[i], Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council, sword-bearing ‘star of the coronation’[ii]… and speaker at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester this week[iii]

when you could say anything

when you could use any verbs[iv]

when you could choose any cause

when you could define what your party does in any way you wish, this:

‘If you remember nothing else from what I have said today, remember this:

Stand up and fight.

Stand up and fight for our families, for workers, for the protectors, for the wealth creators.

Stand up for those that take responsibility.

Stand up and fight for all those people that voted to leave the EU and those that voted to remain and accepted the result and wish our country well.

Stand up and fight for your communities, for Scotland, for Wales, for Northern Ireland, for England.

Stand up and fight for the freedoms we have won – against socialism whether it is made of velvet or iron.

Have courage and conviction because when you do, you move our countrymen, our communities and capital of all kinds to our cause.

Stand up and fight because when you stand up and fight, the person beside you stands up and fights.

And when our party stands up and fights the nation stands up and fights.

And when our nation stands up and fights, other nations stand up and fight.

And they stand up and fight for the things upon which the entire progress of humanity depends: freedom.

That is what C/conservatives[v] do.’

And by the powers of internet serendipity, the next video, automatically playing seamlessly: Vick Hope telling me: ’Time to pick your jaw back off the floor.’[vi]

So ‽istis began to ponder what words would have more readily come to mind‽

Not so much ‘stand up and fight’ – more support or champion, strive, be prepared or get ready, be committed, or care, or co-operate, or exercise compassion, or raise up, or prize, or enable, or look after, or work together…

And ‽istis’ version of the speech might go something like this:

‘If you remember nothing else from what I have said today, remember this:

Be wholeheartedly committed to care deeply and to show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support.

Care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support for our families; for workers; for those who are ill or who are disabled by their circumstances, by society, by us; for children and young people and our venerable elders; for the carers; for the  protectors; for the health and social care staff, the teachers and mentors; for those in the public and the voluntary and community services; for family carers; for parents and grandparents, other relatives and friends and all who nurture and support; for those children, young people and all people who have been left behind or forgotten, who have been minoritised, oppressed or abused by society, by us…

Care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support for those who take responsibility and for those who just cannot; for the rights-bearers, the duty-bearers, those with power and those who are powerless. 

Care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support for all those people that voted to leave the EU - despite the fact that they voted to leave the EU, and for those that voted to remain and continue to wish we were part of a bigger enterprise, uniting and working things out for the benefit of all - beyond the artificial boundaries of nations or the limits and barriers of our island geography.  

Care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support for your neighbours, communities and everyone in them and everyone who we will welcome to them.

Care deeply for the freedoms that we in co-operation and coalition with others have gained – against tyranny, oppression, exclusion, hatred, the denial of rights, the denial of justice, inequality and abuse wherever and whenever these have been found, even including when we have been the perpetrators; and may these freedoms be for everyone. 

Have courage and conviction because when you do, you can move everyone, our communities and capital of all kinds to the reparative, restorative, fair, equitable, just benefit of us all.

Care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support because when you care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support – the person beside you may care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support.

And when a party cares deeply and shows outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support – our society may care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support.

And when we, here[vii], care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support – others everywhere may care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support.

And we might then all care deeply and show outrageous and radical compassion, generosity, appreciation and co-operative support – upon which the entire progress of humanity depends.

This is what we could do…

Well, not as snappy, not as sound-bitey, not as stirring; but not as conflictual, aggressive, war-mongering[viii] or divisive (us – v - them and that which is fought against) – and, dare ‽istis say, not as nasty[ix].

But...  just perhaps, possibly, maybe imagine how different the world could be‽


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[iv] Stand up and fight – this what C/conservatives do. Not care, not work together, not show compassion, raise each other up, etc, etc, etc…

[v] Couldn’t tell if Penny Mordaunt was using a small ‘c’ or big ‘C’.

[vi] ‘It’s a tailgate NBA play of the day. Poetry.’

[vii] With a gentle beat to the heart and an expansive open-handed gesture to the delegates…

[viii] Including ‘culture’ war-mongering…

[ix] Thank you, Theresa May. Various references including:

‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27th 2024)

  ‽istis ponders a pause (weekending July 27 th 2024) This weekending ‽istis is pondering a pause, after 5 years of weekly posts (aside f...