Saturday 1 June 2024

‽istis ponders tactical voting, progressive v conservative and an inspirational line (weekending June 1st 2024)


‽istis ponders tactical voting, progressive v conservative and an inspirational line (weekending June 1st 2024)

In an earlier blog pretty much exactly a year ago istis listed a number of issues that had been the focus for that week’s ponderings.

Included was this:

‘‽ Political parties in the UK: ‘Conservative’ – seeking to conserve what? ‘Labour’ – working or not? ‘Liberal Democrat’ – just how liberal? The ‘Green Party’ – why just one MP for the party that seems to address most directly what is perhaps, possibly, maybe one of the most significant and critical issues of the time[iii]?  Plus, potential voting reform and proportional representation. Plus, the possibility of a ‘progressive alliance’, advice for voters, co-operation on fielding the candidate most likely to win in any area, parties that might plan for a coalition aiming to be more progressive for many - rather than retrogressive, status-quosive, conservative especially for a few…?’

How pertinent right now..‽

 So ‽istis has been ‘X’ing/’Tweeting’ advocating for a tactical vote and then a progressive alliance perhaps based on potentially common aspirations:

·         Equality – not least in relation to those people with experience and characteristics ‘protected’, those more usually minoritised or excluded or dismissed or disadvantaged or oppressed or blamed or vilified or ridiculed

·         Living wages – so that work really does pay (and not that profits and bonuses of a few are subsidised)

      Wealth creation - a means to an end not the end in itself

·         Rights borne, upheld and seen alongside checks, balances and expectations regarding powers, duties and responsibilities

·         Social and criminal justice – restorative, redressing, reparative, rehabilitative

·         Public goods and services – so that stuff we need and use and pay for together really does work (and not that profits and bonuses of a few are subsidised[i]) – especially an integrated universal health and social care service

·         Safety and ways of life protected and defended everywhere, for surely we are all safer when we are all safe (and an enabling 'foreign' policy perhaps becomes the best form of defence policy, and offensiveness is more rather than less prevented) 

·         Sustainability, our world and climate, our Planet A (where there is probably no realistic prospect of finding a viable Planet B, however many millions of $ or ¥ are spent) and its inter-related, inter-dependent, utterly connected symbiotic eco-systems - appreciated, valued, protected and sacralised along with the life upon, within and above it.


And as the week ends with the first campaign polls starting to emerge in the current UK General Election, tactical voting is promoted perhaps as a way of persuading people who would like to vote for their ‘best’ but could live with ‘better’, who compromise to avoid ‘l'ennemi du bien est le bien’[ii] (‘the perfect is the enemy of the good’, or similar), who wish to progress things positively for more of us, here and now, here and everywhere.  


And, finally, this weekending a stand-out phrase remains – from a BBC Radio 4 drama ‘The Specialist’.[iii] A leading character, a Dr, was described as someone who[iv] turned empathy into duty 

Readers of these ponderings and wonderings may not be surprised to find that ‽istis considers that such an approach - perhaps, possibly, maybe - could provide a guide to voting: right now in India; in the UK in a few weeks’ time; in the USA in November (whoever the candidates are, whether they have been found guilty or innocent, and wherever they may be residing[v])…



NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter with replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders.  X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

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