Thursday, 7 December 2023

Pistis ponders 'Down in Yon Forest' (weekending December 9th 2023)


‘Down in Yon Forest’ ‽istis wonders and ponders the Nativity and the Christmas story (weekending December 9th  2023)

This week ‽istis went to a primary school nativity play – complete with a penguin alongside the more usual cast; a costume for everyone…?

Almost certainly up and down the land: words were remembered or not, donkeys were virtually ridden, inn doors were knocked, a stable was offered, angels proclaimed, some shepherds’ headdresses slipped, camels may or may not have plodded, perhaps a sheep or a cow was sick, kings offered difficult-to-pronounce gifts, noses were picked, a baby was held precariously, a just-in-time trip to the toilet was made, stars shone; apparently the ‘greatest story ever told’ was sung and presented over and over again; a story for everyone…?

And ‽istis pondered again an old English carol from c.1500, over 500 years’ ago: ‘Down in Yon Forest’. Several variations and many versions can be found on media streaming channels – more or less ‘folky’, more or less ‘choral’; a version for everyone…?  

But ‽istis (jaded and fighting back the humbug-ishness) personally finds faith and hope all but trampled out of existence by the state of things (to be honest, both past and present) - and thinks that if we keep on doing what we have done and are doing, believing what we have believed and some still believe or indeed if we suspend disbelief to embrace the trappings of Christmas, if we continue to act out what is being so often acted out in school halls up and down the land – then we may continue to get what we have had in the past or have now… and maybe for so many, in so many places here and across the world. this is just not enough or good enough‽

So ‽istis wondered whether new words might be written to this ancient carol? Perhaps a new story is needed?

Doubting that this particular version will be sung in c. 500 years’ time and fearful that there may not be anyone to sing it anyway - nevertheless here is the offering:

Down in Yon Forest 2023‽'

V. 1 Down in yon forest there stands the last tree.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

The dark night’s approaching, we go too gently.

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?

v.2 The legend runs deep that from grace we did fall.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

Eternity’s promise has held us in thrall

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.3 Did the sweet virgin Mary bear a Saviour thatnightt

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

So where is the goodwill and peace, love and light?

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.4 The children are crying – fear, hunger, disease.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

Young people are dying – no days left to seize?

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.5 Down through the ages there’s bloodshed and hate.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

People and nations divided by fate.

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.6 A handful of men own the wealth of the land.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

Life chances of millions ground down in the sand?

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.7 Crop yields are ravaged and livestock bled dry.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

Resources exploited, “consume more!” they cry.

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.8 Temperatures rising, Earth facing extremes

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

Land flooded, storms raging, the world laments and keens.

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.9 So where lies salvation this Christmas time?

When the death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

A cradle, a cross or religions sublime?

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.10 Meanwhile this blue dot of life spins in space.

The death knells of Paradise I hear them ring?

A jewel in the darkness, a wonder-ous place!

Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?


v.11 We are all connected, in kinship entwined.

The bright bells of Paradise we hear them ring?

Sankofa[i], ubuntu[ii], all ‘best lives’ combined.

Do we have a new story to tell and to sing?


v.12 Down in yon forest there stand strong new trees.

The bright bells of Paradise we hear them ring.

Repair, restore, rise up from bent knees.

Do we have a new story to tell and to sing


Words: the person behind the pen-name, behind the character ‽istis (2023)  Tune: Old English Carol (c.1500)


May you ponder and wonder on; perhaps, possibly, maybe while walking in the forests that remain…


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] Sankofa: retrieving things of value from our knowledge of the past. Sankofa: Embracing Past Lessons for a Brighter Future– AYEEKO

[ii] Ubuntu: ‘humanity to others’. ‘I am what I am because of who we all are.’ Ubuntu philosophy - Wikipedia

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