‽istis wonders what we wish you… (weekending December
23rd 2023)
This weekending as the Christmas season
perhaps reaches a crescendo[i], with or without the Christ child, with or without faith, with or without celebration, with or without peace, with or without goodwill - ‽istis
wonders what we wish you…
And a song comes to mind, learned recently and sung with harmony;
sung with intention; sung at times with tears; sung with others sharing a
place, forming a circle, sharing heart beats and breath and soundwaves to and from each other; recorded on a ‘phone and sent to
family members in the so-called holy land.
This, we wish you:
you be safe
and well)
you be well
and safe)
you live with ease
may you have peace.[ii]
That is all…
And oh
that it were so…
NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme
and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t
necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’:
@Pistis_wonders. X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue
Maybe one person’s crescendo is another person’s damp-squib of reality over
Written by Lizzie Grocott-James based on a meditation written by Thich Nhãt Hãnh, a
buddhist monk and peace campaigner.