Thursday 14 December 2023

This Christmas Pistis adds punctuation (weekending December 16th 2023)


This Christmas[i] ‽istis adds punctuation … (weekending December 16th 2023)

This weekending istis seems to be continuing what could be a bit of a deconstruction of Christmas.

The last blog included new words for a very old carol (‘Down in Yon Forest’) and perhaps, possibly, maybe asked some pretty fundamental questions about the world then (when BC apparently became AD) and the world now… Perhaps the most important question in the new version, ‘Down in Yon Forest 2023‽’, was: ‘Do we need a new story to tell and to sing?’

And there it was, a train of thought set in motion that has trundled along all week like a ‘Polar Express’[ii]. A train of thought triggered especially by the arrival of Christmas cards and the airwave-filling seasonal sounds of music-playing radio stations: from loud and jangly pop perennials to smooth classics, from creamy crooning to rarified orchestral and choral beauteousness.

So, here’s the thought:

How might the meaning and our perception of lines from carols and Christmas songs - and their messages – change, with the simple addition of strategically placed question marks?

Well, that was the original intention, but then ‽istis pondered some of the more dramatic assertions and claims and thought that adding a punctuation mark that could imply both a question and an exclamation would be in order…   And so, this weekending, an ‘interrobang’ - ‽ - seemed the ideal choice[iii].

As you say the lines below you might like to practice adding a tone of questioning exclamation with perhaps just a hint of scepticism and maybe even downright incredulity…The selected lines seem to lend themselves to follow up questions or comments, and ‽istis has had a first go... 

Here are some examples:

·         Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer‽ (Really, a red-nose – are you sure?)

·         So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven‽ (Well, where’s the evidence for that then?)

·         When the Thames froze‽ (What year was that again?)

·         Little Lord Jesus no crying he makes‽ (Whoever heard of a baby that doesn’t cry!)

·         Santa got stuck up the chimney‽ (How many times have we told him?)

·         We hear the Christmas angels‽ (Angels, who’s ever seen an angel?)

·         Chestnuts roasting by an open fire‽ (Have you done the risk assessment on that one?)

·         All is calm, all is bright‽ (Well, that would be nice!)

·         Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air‽ (What on earth/heaven/in the sky are cherubim and seraphim?)

·         O Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be‽ (Yeah, right!)

·         Glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and all mankind‽ (Well that’s going well!)

·         Santa Claus is coming to town‽ (Every town in the whole world? what about the cities and villages and remote isolated homesteads; what about the slums and the red cross tents in refugee camps?)

·         Then why should we on earth be so sad since our Redeemer made us glad?[iv]  (Oh, so we were all glad once!)

·         It's the most wonderful time of the year‽ (Hmmm! For everyone?)

·         Round yon virgin mother‽ (Virgin mother... is that even possible…?)

·         Of all the trees that are in the wood, the holly tree bears the crown‽ (Really? I rather like a yew myself and anyway, don’t all trees have crowns?)

·         He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his love (And now it's time to watch or listen to the news…)

·         It's the best time of the year‽ (Hmmm!, again...)

·         Light and life to all He brings‽ (Well that’s nice!)

·         I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus‽ (Shhhh!)

·         For to redeem us all‽ (What everyone, regardless?)

·         Stop the cavalry‽ (and the artillery and the infantry and the navy and the air force, please)

·         Later we'll have some pumpkin pie and we'll do some carolling‽ (Oh no, not again)

·         On the earth be peace (That would be nice, too!)

·         Children laughing, people passing, meeting smile after smile‽ (Not round these parts…  Children laughing, except those that are crying!)

·         For that child so dear and gentle is our Lord in heaven above‽ (God – a human? A human – God?)

·         Sacred infant, all divine‽ (See above)

·         Reindeer really know how to fly‽ (Oh no they don’t…)

·         Mistletoe and wine‽ (Uh-oh!)

·         Heat was in the very sod (Tofu-eating, fossil-fuel phasing, ground pump fitting wokerati…)

·         I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree‽ (Methinks you doth protest too much)

·         Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me‽ (Oh, is that how it has to work?)

·         A spaceman came travelling‽ (Obvs!)

·         Good tidings we bring to you and your kin (Even Uncle…, Auntie… add names at your peril!)

·         Grandma got run over by a reindeer‽ (How many times have we told her?)

·         Veiled in flesh the Godhead see‽ (Eh?)

·         Happy Christmas, war is over‽ (And then I woke up…)

·         Love and joy come to you‽ (And to you, and you, and you…)

·         For Jesus Christ our Saviour was born upon this day‽ (Once again, how’s that going?)

·         On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, Five golden rings. Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree‽ (Stop, stop….)

·         The boys of the NYPD choir still singing Galway Bay‽ (The answer to which is an almost certain ‘yes’, more than ever this year, probably)

And you could add your own…

So, perhaps this Christmas season we might listen to and really think about the statements, assertions and claims.

Possibly we might continue to ask questions and to deploy ‘interrobangs’ liberally, all year round…

And maybe, just maybe we might keep straining to hear the ‘Polar Express’ bell[v] - once we have decided what it is that we continue to believe


NB: further reflections and comments linked to this week’s theme and past blog entries to be found on X/Twitter: replies, retweets (which don’t necessarily indicate approval, sometimes the very opposite!) and ‘likes’: @Pistis_wonders. X/Twitter ‘follows’ and respectful comment and dialogue welcome...  

[i] Other religious and seasonal festivals are available.

[iii] The interrobang: created in 1968 by Martin K Specktor and his ad agency’s art director Jack Lipton. Specktor wrote: ‘…nor even yet, do we have a point which clearly combines and melds interrogation with exclamation.’

[iv] No need to add a question mark to this line, it’s there in the original it seems

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